Codes and Icons and Signs and Signals – Author Peter H Bloecker (Director Of Studies)
Photos (Colours and B&W) and Video (Moving Images)
Meaning Making: Reading and Codes
Reply – to respond
Replay – play again / again pls / pls repeat … & more …
to pro – nounce English (or German) correctly:
The concepts of “reply” and “replay” can be examined from a linguistic perspective, focusing on their usage, meaning, and function in communication.
- Definition: A reply is a response to a question, statement, or message. It is a direct answer or reaction to something that has been said or written.
- Function: Replies serve to continue a conversation, provide information, or express agreement or disagreement. They are essential in maintaining the flow of communication.
- Examples:
- Formal: “Thank you for your email. I will get back to you with the details.”
- Informal: “Sure, sounds good!”
- Definition: Replay refers to the act of playing something again, such as a video, audio recording, or a specific moment in a game or event.
- Function: Replays are used to review, analyze, or enjoy a particular moment again. In sports, replays are crucial for reviewing plays and making decisions.
- Examples:
- Sports: “Let’s watch the replay of that goal.”
- Media: “Can you replay that song?”
Linguistic Dimension
From a linguistic standpoint, both terms highlight different aspects of communication:
- Reply focuses on interaction and response, crucial for dialogue and conversational flow.
- Replay emphasizes repetition and review, important for analysis and reinforcement of information.
Understanding these terms helps in appreciating their roles in effective communication and how they contribute to different contexts and purposes.
What is effective and why exactly?
1. Die Welt ist wie sie ist.
Sie veraendert sich aber, in welche Richtung?
2. Das war schon immer so, ueberall.
Wo genau ist dein Ort, wo sind deine Wurzeln. Doch bist du kein Baum im Raum.
3. Du willst sie aendern? Vergiss es!
4. Fange schlicht bei dir an: Schreibtisch aufraeumen, Waesche selbst waschen, Hecken schneiden, Garage aufrauemen …
5. Get the rubbish out of your head … (What exactly is rubbish, what is dirt and why?)
6. Fake news? News? Irrelevant …
Not always, though, however limit your time and do not get lost.
7. Lesen, lesen, lesen … und noch mehr lesen!
Immer lesen? No way … Aber Lesestunde hat Gold im Munde.
8. Wenn moeglich: schreiben … | Geht nicht immer | Note taking!
9. Unsere Kinder sind unsere Zukunft.
Nicht nur, aber Family First! Always …
10. Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Die Liebe stirbt nie!
Angst / Depressionen / Tod und sterben und mehr dazu …
Die Welt Online – Generation Mitte
“Die ständige Präsenz des Themas in allen Medien sorgt offenbar weniger für Aufklärung als für Verwirrung, zumal auch Fachleute die Lage mitunter ganz unterschiedlich beurteilen.”
Unbedingt lesen / Maerchen aus aller Welt und auch Texte der Romantik wie Eichendorf.
Seit ich Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts gelesen habe, lassen mich Themen wie Sehnsucht, Reise, Tod und andere existentielle Themen wie die ZEIT nicht mehr los, denn …
De Brevitate Vitae (English: On the Shortness of Life) is a moral essay written by Seneca the Younger, a Roman Stoic philosopher, sometime around the year 49 AD, to his father-in-law Paulinus.
Unseld (Suhrkamp Verleger) liebte Hermann Hesse.
Wie Hesse sehr schoen gedacht und formuliert hat: Das Leben ist wie ein Fluss, der sich langsam von der Quelle aus in Richtung Meer bewegt …
… oder auch Richtung Wueste, wie in Botswana oder Namibia. Okawango. Netflix Serie Leoparden, unfassbare Bilder: Ein Team begleitet eine Leopardenfamilie ueber Jahre und kommt dieser Familie extrem nahe.
Die Seele schwimmt mit, und der Mensch rudert, auch gegen den Strom, umschifft Hindernisse und muss eventuell sein Boot sogar um einen Wassserfall herumtragen. Am Schluss erreicht er dann das Meer und ist frei, frei von Sorgen und Leiden und Angst, frei fuer immer, allerdings kein Land in Sicht …
Dazu lesen Gevatter Tod, Grimms Maerchen.
Gevatter Tod zeigt einem Gast, dem Leser, seine Hoehle mit vielen Kerzen, grosse und kleine – dicke und duenne – und die meisten brennen noch. Einige Kerzen flackern, und er sagt dem Gast, ich muss mich gleich auf die Reise begeben …
Die grossen dicken Kerzen sind bis zu 100 cm lang. Ein Zentimeter fuer ein Jahr.
Die kleine Kerze dort: Noch flackert sie leicht, sie war nur 7 cm lang und sehr duenn. Sie brennt noch etwa 3,5 Jahre lang, meine ich, wie du sicher in Vergleich mit anderen erkennen wirst.
Narziss und Goldmund von Hesse und mehr von Hesse. Besonders Glasperlenspiel und mein Roman: Steppenwolf.
Alle Texte von Max Frisch.
Und Juli Zeh im Dialog mit Barbara Bleisch (In der Mitte des Lebens).
Was mich anwehte, wie diese beiden belesenen Frauen ueber Alter und ihr Leben sprechen: Vierzig empfinden sie beide schon fast als alt – und jetzt in der Mitte mit fast 50?
Ich bin ein Mann, und ich bin 75 geworden: Mein Ziel (meinen Freunden bekannt) ist es, Goethe zu ueberrunden, sein Alter betreffend, nicht seinen Geist. Er wurde (nur) 84 Jahre alt und starb 1832 am 22 im Monat March. Er konnte im Lehnstuhl sitzen, sprach einiges, was niemand verstand. Er zeichnete etwas in die Luft, was laut seinem Arzt Vogel wie ein W aussah. Er soll noch gesagt haben: Mehr Licht!
Mittags gegen 12 Uhr schmiegte sich Johann Wolfgang Goethe in die linke Ecke seines Lehnstuhls in seinem Arbeitszimmer. Diesen Stuhl habe ich mir in seinem Haus im Obergeschoss in Weimar lange und sehr genau angesehen.
“Lange hatte sie auf diesen Tag warten müssen. In wenigen Minuten würde der Zug dort halten, wohin die vielen Träume über die Jahre sie geführt hatten. Erwartungsvoll stand sie am Fenster und schaute auf die vorbeifliegenden Häuser, Gärten und Straßen. Nichts kam ihr bekannt vor. Alles sah so fremd aus. Nicht eine bekannte Straßenecke…Kneipe oder Fassade.
Der Zug verlangsamte seine Fahrt und nahm ein paar Kurven. Sie griff nach ihren schweren Gepaeckstücken und bewegte sich Richtung Ausgang zurück.
Jetzt kam der Zug zum Stehen und ein kleiner fast unmerklicher Ruck lief durch alle Wagen. Sie ließ die beiden alte Leute vor, wollte nicht drängeln, was ihr schwer fiel.
Dann stieg sie aus und setzte mit einem Schwung die beiden Koffer auf den Bahnsteig.
Niemand da, der sie abholen würde. Ein Taxi oder einen Bus? Gibt es überhaupt Busse zum Ziel? Schlecht hatte sie sich vorbereitet. War viel zu überstürzt aufgebrochen.
Aber jetzt gab es kein Zurück mehr, sie musste den nächsten Schritt wagen.
Langsam und mit großer Mühe bewegte sie sich Richtung Ausgang des Bahnhofs.
Wäre ich doch bloß zuhause geblieben, worauf habe ich mich da eingelassen?…”
Klar, die Geschichte geht weiter, aber wie? Ueberlege mal selbst und schreibe eine Fortsetzung, lege den Text dann beiseite und schaue nach einer Woche wieder rein!
Zeit, den Text jetzt zu ueberarbeiten und eine Endfassung zu erstellen.
So entstehen gute kurze Geschichten, die du auch veroeffentlichen kannst! Viel Erfolg & Good luck!
Hier ein Text von mir in englischer Sprache:
Our Wanderlust
Wanderlust “Der Liebe Sehnsucht fordert Ferne” – (Jean Paul)
Travelling has been part of my life since childhood. My father, born in a small community of farmers and 1st born son of a farmer himself, took my brother and my 2 sisters on extensive camping trips throughout Europe since 1956, when he bought his 1st car, a VW beetle. I remember 6 weeks of summer vacations on a Baltic Island Alsen, Kegenes in southern Denmark, only 2 hours drive from our village where he was a schoolteacher. We always went with friends and families, so groups of children of 10 and more met again year by year. This campsite was just a meadow with beach access, and on the site were around 10 families with children, later more camping fanatics, of course. The only toilette was a 1 km walk away. Our family paid one Danish crown per day camping fees in 1956 and the years after.
Later my father built his own caravan during school holidays and asked my brother and me to assist him. When we arrived on camping sites all over Germany and Austria mostly on small places along the Rhine, Mosel or lakes around Easter and in our autumn holidays, people used to stare at our VW beetle and the DIY compact caravan without any windows looking incredibly ugly and like a tin box: We had to lift the roof and the top had self made tent walls. While my younger sister, born 1956, used the third bed in the caravan, my brother and I had our own tent and felt very proud and independent. I remember long holidays, in which we both explored the area around like we had done in our own village in the middle of Schleswig Holstein. The last camping trip for me was at the age of 17, when I joined a huge crowd of young boys and girls (more than 30) at the lake of Ossiach, Austria. One day some of us even swam across the lake and back, while our red rubber rowing boat accompanied us for safety reasons.
During my first 2 semesters while studying at the University of Kiel, North Germany, my father decided it was time to build his own house for his own retirement and for his 4 children, who would certainly study at the university in Kiel. We had lived in the school house for the past few years, so he found a neighbour in our village willing to sell parts of his front garden. From this place, my father had wisely planned, his four children would be able to cycle to the university without having a car. Money was short those days, and he was the only breadwinner, while my mother was busy looking after her four children, doing the household including gardening, washing and cleaning, shopping and cooking. She was always busy like my father. I rember exactly the first half of the day from 6.30 / 7am to 2pm, when we all met again for a cooked lunch and a more or less “free” afternoon without any lessons or meetings or appointments.
Later when I had my own driving licence at the age of 18 and had left school and the army after 2 years (1970), I drove my 2 chevaux citroen to Dubrownik together with two school friends and later with my girl friend to Athens, Istanbul and back, always camping or even sleeping in the car (we took the seats out and placed them next to the car).
When the house near Kiel was nearly finished – my brother and I had spent every minute with bricklaying and other DIY Tasks for about 12 months – we took a few weeks off and went to northern Spain and France by car: Barcelona, Pamplona, San Sebestian, Lacano at the ocean and back home via Paris.
When working as a teacher in Windhoek, Namibia (1998-1994) , we travelled a lot with friends exploring the country off road and camping in the most beautiful Namib desert and at the Skeleton Coast. We had bought an old Landrover and a Volkswagen van, which we used for our longer trips into the Republic of South Africa (RSA), Botswana, Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls and through the Caprivi. I had brought a roof tent from Germany, so mostly we slept on the roof of either the Landrover or the Volkswagen Van, and our little children, 6 and 8 years old on arrival in 1988, could sleep safely in the locked car.
Before starting my teaching job in Germany again (1994), we decided to take our two children, now YR 9 and 10 students, “around the world”: Our plan was to fly from Hamburg to California, then on to Auckland (NZ) and 5 months later back to Germany via the USA. Later, during her first and only visit in Brisbane (Christmas 1998), my daughter said to me while walking along the Brisbane river with us: “This was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made”!
Working for Education Queensland in Westend, Brisbane (1998 – 2005), we mostly travelled by airplane carrying laptop and beamer to the hotels and schools for our inservices, the face to face meetings with Australian teachers of German, both State and Private Schools teachers. However, I toured Queensland roads whenever possible with my Troopie to visit the National Parks in Queensland, the Hinterland and last not least Fraser and Moreton island, one of my favourite places for camping.
Twice I drove my Landcruiser to Melbourne and rounded Tasmania, and once I drove to Canberra for a two week seminar. When I had finished my work, I headed for the coast and drove North via Sydney back to Brisbane.
One of the more adventurous trips was a camping trip to Cape York. My son had come again from Germany with his girl friend, had already been to the Red Centre around Alice and the Uluru and was eager to see more of the outback in Queensland. As I did not have the time to spend weeks on the road, they drove my Troopie North to Cairns, where I arrived by plane to meet them. We spent one week driving north beyond Port Douglas, finally reaching the Cape, then one week back and another week at the beach and along the road for a relaxed camping vacation – a trip I will never forget. My son, his girl friend and I were so close to each other, that all the months I had spent in Brisbane without them during this year, were compensated for by this single trip.
To read the full article WANDERLUST pls visit my BLOG on WordPress here.
Click here to view the position of Moreton Island – access only by 4×4 – | Fraser Island is further to the north –LINK
Here the LINK Camping at Black Rock National Parks, NWS
Access to the website of National Parks in NSW here.

More to come soon – this is some kind of BILDERBOGEN and collected over 20 yrs of our life. The impression here might be we are on the roads all the time, which we are not, of course.
Most of the months and weeks and days we are at home with our children and grandchildren and friends and are living a completely normal life like other people do.
However the VIRUS of road trips is still there, like a bug …
And so I am enjoying my life as an ex – educator here in Queensland Australia with my beloved wife Maria Ines, and we use our 4WD and Golf Caravan for longer weekend trips into the Gold Coast Hinterland and once a year we are on the roads for about 2 full weeks, doing around 4000 km.
And for the daytrips I am using my Suzuki Strom for sure. A Road Runner …
(Updated Wed 30 Oct 2024 by phb)
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