The Queen

This site collects text and pictures of the British Royals. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and her son Charles III becoming the King Of Great Britain, it is time for me to select and collect information relevant for me and my readers as well, hopefully. The Queen has nearly lived 100 yrs – one whole century, and was born like my own mother in 1926.

THE QUEEN of Great Britain

She loved her family plus dogs and horses and her Landrover.

As The Queen of Great Britain she stands for duty and her Role within the Royal Traditions.

She represents the best Great Britain can give to the World.

phb on Mon 12 Sep 2022 written in Queensland Australia

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Just exploring the 30km Walking Trail along the Gold Coast, great idea and funded by the Commonwealth.

Queen Elisabeth II and her late husband Prince Philip.

Latest today from Buckingham Palace:

Queen Elizabeth is under medical supervision at Balmoral Castle in Scotland and the Palace has said that she “remains comfortable.” 

On Wednesday she had an audience with Liz Truss, as she appointed her as the United Kingdom’s new prime minister. 

The Queen has had ongoing mobility issues and has in recent months postponed or cancelled many engagements. 

The Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 Logo

On 6 February 2022, Queen Elizabeth II marked her Platinum Jubilee and the first time a British monarch has reigned for 70 years.

In her Accession Day message, The Queen paid tribute to her late husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Her Majesty also expressed hope that this Jubilee would bring families and communities together.

The Queen highly values exercise through walking and wished that celebrations of her Platinum Jubilee promote this healthy activity.

To celebrate this historic milestone, The Jubilee Walkway was officially opened on 2 June 2022, together with other Jubilee celebrations held throughout the Commonwealth.

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Die Königin hat früh Vorbereitungen für die Zeit nach ihrem Tod getroffen. „Operation London Bridge“ heißt der Plan, in dem die Details festgehalten sind. Ein Überblick.:

Zum Tod der Britischen Queen

Jochen Buchsteiner direkt aus London via FAZ.

Credit | My Screenshot FAZ Plus


Oft unsichtbar, und doch omnipräsent

70 Jahre lang regierte Königin Elisabeth II. Sie verkörperte Normalität und Pflichterfüllung. Sie war der Bezugspunkt einer sich rasch wandelnden Gesellschaft. Gut möglich, dass Königin Elisabeth II. auch zu einem Epoche-Namen wird.

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Im Alter von 96 Jahren

Trauer um Königin Elisabeth II.

Die britische Königin Elisabeth II. ist im Alter von 96 Jahren gestorben. Ihr Sohn folgt ihr als Charles III. auf dem Thron nach. Staats- und Regierungschefs aus aller Welt kondolieren dem britischen Königshaus.

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News Apple | Screenshot phb has more here …

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Artikelempfehlung aus der SZ-App:

Charles III. zum König ausgerufen – “God Save The King”

Nach der Tagung des Kronrats wird der neue König offiziell ausgerufen. Verfolgen Sie die Veranstaltung im Livestream.

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Screenshot from SZ Plus by phb
Screenshot from SZ Plus by phb

God Save The King …

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Zeit Online | Credit Screenshot phb
1956 in Kenia | Screenshot phb
Screenshot phb from The Australian
Screenshot phb | From The Australian

Credit to Suzanne Mansour, Sydney Australia. King Charles is now Head Of State in Australia.

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