
My flights around the world | Updated 23 June 2023 

Author: Peter Hanns Bloecker | 

Gold Coast Australia | Contact via Signal or WhatsApp only | Form on my website. 

Here’s my general checklist for surviving three nights at an airport: 

  1. Essential Supplies: 
  • Food: Pack non-perishable snacks like energy bars, dried fruits, or nuts. 
  • Water: Carry an empty water bottle to refill after the security check. 
  • Medications: Bring any necessary prescription medications. 
  • Personal hygiene items: Include toothbrush, toothpaste, and some wet wipes. 
  1. Comfort and Rest: 
  • Travel pillow and blanket: These will help you get some sleep. 
  • Earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to block out noise. 
  • Eye mask to help you sleep better in bright environments. 
  1. Entertainment and Communication: 
  • Fully charged electronic devices: Bring a phone, tablet, or laptop for entertainment. 
  • Power bank or charger: Ensure you can recharge your devices. 
  • Books, magazines, or puzzles / games like cards to keep yourself occupied. 
  • A pen and notebook for jotting down important information. 
  1. Security and Safety: 
  • Identification documents: Carry your passport or any other required identification available at all times. Be careful when sleeping about possible theft. 
  • Money in cash or 2 or 3 payment cards for emergencies or any purchases. 
  • Locks to secure your belongings. 
  • Travel insurance details and emergency contact numbers. 
  1. Information and Communication: 
  • Stay updated on the strike situation through airport announcements or official sources. 
  • Contact your airline’s customer service for updates or rebooking options. 
  • Inform family or friends about your situation and keep them updated. 

A five-day survival scenario without a panic button or internet access in remote areas like mountainous. 

  1. Evaluate your surroundings: 
  • Find a safe location away from potential hazards like avalanches, cliffs, or unstable terrain. 
  • Seek shelter from extreme weather conditions, such as caves, overhangs, or natural formations. 
  1. Water and Food: 
  • Locate a water source, such as a river or a stream, and ensure it’s safe to drink. If unsure, consider purifying the water using a portable water filter or purification tablets. 
  • Conserve energy and ration your food supplies, focusing on high-calorie and non-perishable options like energy bars, dried fruits, and nuts. 
  1. Shelter and Warmth: 
  • Build a shelter using available resources, such as fallen branches, leaves, or rocks. Consider a lean-to or debris shelter for protection against the elements. 
  • Keep warm by layering your clothing, using thermal blankets, or creating a fire if safe and permitted. Prioritize warmth during cold nights. 
  1. Navigation and Signaling: 
  • Utilize a physical map and compass to navigate your surroundings. Identify nearby landmarks or distinctive features. 
  • Create visible signals for potential rescuers, such as using a mirror, bright clothing, or creating a signal fire with smoke during the day or flames at night. 
  1. First Aid and Safety: 
  • Carry a well-equipped first aid kit with essential supplies like bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any necessary personal medications. 
  • Stay cautious of wildlife and be familiar with potential hazards, including poisonous plants or animals, and take appropriate precautions. 
  1. Mental and Emotional Well-being: 
  • Stay positive and focused, maintaining a calm mindset. This will help you make rational decisions and conserve energy. 
  • Keep yourself occupied with activities like journaling, drawing, or exploring your surroundings (if safe) to maintain morale. 

Remember, it’s crucial to let someone know about your hiking plans and estimated return time before setting off.  

If you become lost or are unsure of what to do, it’s best to stay in one place, conserve energy, and wait for rescue personnel to find you than leaving your place with some shelter options. 

Finding yourself stranded by bicycle in a remote area in your destination like Europe or USA or South America or Africa without internet or phone access can be challenging and problematic as well. Here’s a survival checklist to help you navigate this situation: 

  1. Assess the Situation first without panic: 
  • Stay calm and take a moment to evaluate your surroundings and any potential risks or hazards. 
  • Determine if you can repair your bicycle or if you need to abandon it and proceed on foot. 
  1. Water and Food: 
  • Locate a nearby water source, such as a river or a stream, and ensure it’s safe to drink. If uncertain, consider purifying the water using a portable water filter or purification tablets. 
  • Ration your food supplies and focus on non-perishable, high-energy options like energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits. Forage for edible plants if you have knowledge in that area and can identify safe options. 
  1. Shelter and Warmth: 
  • Seek or build a shelter using available resources. Look for natural formations, caves, or construct a makeshift shelter using branches, leaves, or rocks. 
  • Prioritize warmth during cold nights by layering your clothing and using thermal blankets or insulation from natural materials. 
  1. Navigation and Signaling: 
  • Utilize a physical map and compass, if available, to determine your location and plan your next move. 
  • Create visible signals for potential rescuers, such as using a mirror, bright clothing, or building signal fires with smoke during the day or flames at night. 
  1. Seek Help: 
  • If possible, make your way towards the nearest town or inhabited area. Look for signs of civilization, such as roads, trails, or smoke from chimneys. 
  • Approach any local residents or establishments for assistance. They may be able to provide help or guide you to a nearby town with communication facilities. 
  1. Stay Safe and Be Prepared: 
  • Be cautious of wildlife like snakes or lions, especially if you’re in a remote area like the Namibian desert. Familiarize yourself with potential risks, such as poisonous plants, animals, or dangerous terrain. 
  • Carry a basic first aid kit and know how to administer basic medical care in case of injuries or emergencies. Very important after snake bikes: A general serum should be in your fridge, if by car.  

Remember, it’s important to let someone know about your (cycling) travel plans and estimated return time before setting off. If you find yourself lost or unable to reach help, prioritize your safety and well-being by conserving energy, staying hydrated, and using your available resources wisely. This alone might save your life! 

Author: Peter Hanns Bloecker (with the support of AI tools.) 

Last update Fri 23 June 2023. 

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