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Let’s work on something new together… My Life as an Educator | Life Skills and more …MY EDUCATION BLOGS …since 1998.
My Education BLOG | Life Skills
Pink Floyd: We don‘t need no thought control …
About teaching and learning / My life as a teacher /
My father, who worked as a Primary Teacher and Deputy Principal said to me when in Brisbane and 3 months before his death:
Never teach people, you are there to educate them, and they have to learn on their own.
Never be unfriendly to your students and their parents, because they are your clients, and you are their role model.
Never beat your children, because they are most vulnerable: You will damage their soul for ever.
Never lose control in front of your students, rather leave the room.
Never lose your patience with your students, as they do not know any better.
Never interrupt your students while they are speaking.
Never lose your sense of humour, because education must be fun and funny as well.
Never get stressed, rather keep breathing or get some fresh air.
Never get bored while teaching, if you do, something is wrong, and it is not their fault.
Observe, do not judge.
Expect nothing and you will achieve a lot.
In a nutshell: Get to know your students, and guide their learning in response to their individual needs.
Best yours
phb | @peblogger
Most questions can be answered by a solid Google Search on your own! However some people living in Europe or in Germany might have some problems with their English or simply do not have the time to find out for themselves. (So you might ask your question in GERMAN, my mother tongue).
More about working as a vet in Australia
You wish to know more about country life in Queensland or Australia?
The Country Lifestyle in Australia is best explored by iconic R M Williams and their Lifestyle LOGO – Link with their website.

The STORY of R M Williams – Factory in ADL and Story and CRAFT.
Find out about the Eco Village at Currumbin, Gold Coast QLD.
Your budget: Small houses from about $ 800k AUD.
With my best wishes from the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia
Latest: Queensland Unwrapped
With the Olympics ahead Brisbane and Queensland will be on the world map again like SYD 2000 …Investors and Business plus Property Market Real Estate …Through The Roof, I would think.
The right place to be at present!

Read about The Smart State (Peter Beattie).
From the Gold Coast kindly yours
Burleigh Waters testing now #sharksmart

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