Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.
I have decided to keep my desk tidy and neat and clean: And one place in my house, where I can read and relax and think! This is the place where I feel happy in the evening before I go to sleep …
And a daily routine:
What was good today?
What went not so good? Anything I could do or change my atomic habits?
Can I do better tomorrow?
Have I smiled at someone I do not know or hugged my wife or a child? Made a difference?
Any lesson learnt?
Kindly yours from an ex High School Teacher now retired and nearly 75 years old …
Peter H Bloecker and wife Casa Da Vovo Burleigh Gold Coast

Happiness Report 2024
The fascinating world of happiness.
- The Harvard Study of Adult Development:
- One of the longest-running studies on happiness, this project has followed 724 men since they were teenagers in 1938. Approximately 60 men, now in their 90s, are still part of the study.
- The researchers found that specific traits and behaviors were linked with increased levels of happiness:
- Letting Go: As people get older, they tend to focus more on what’s important to them and don’t sweat the small stuff as much. Older adults are better at letting go of past failures.
- Staying Connected: Close relationships with spouses, family, friends, and social circles contribute significantly to happiness. Personal connections create mental and emotional stimulation, while isolation is a mood buster1.
- Take inspiration from this study: Revisit activities that made you happy in your youth. Sing, play games, pursue hobbies—life is short, and happiness awaits!
- World Happiness Report 2024:
- Finland tops the overall list of the world’s happiest countries for the seventh successive year.
- Notably, the United States has fallen out of the top 20 due to a large drop in the well-being of Americans under 30.
- Separate rankings by age group reveal interesting variations:
- Lithuania tops the list for children and young people under 30.
- Denmark is the world’s happiest nation for those aged 60 and older.
- Among Millennials, life satisfaction drops with each year of age, while among Boomers, it increases with age2.
- Science of Happiness:
- While happiness can feel elusive, science has explored key aspects:
- Choices: Certain choices, activities, and mindsets lead to fulfillment.
- Misunderstandings: Common misconceptions about happiness.
- Theories: Explanations for the origin and attainment of well-being3.
- While happiness can feel elusive, science has explored key aspects:
In a nutshell, happiness is a journey, and it’s within your mindset plus own power to cultivate it.
Have a happy weekend
Author P H Bloecker
With the help of Copilot and MS Word.
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