
The new version of Shakespeare updated is another success story!
Maxton Hall — The World Between Us is a six-part German-language television series on Amazon Prime Video. It is adapted from the Mona Kasten book Save Me. The cast is led by Damian Hardung and Harriet Herbig-Matten.
The series premiered on May 9, 2024, and had the most successful series launch of any non-American Prime Original ever. Maxton Hall became the most popular series on Prime Video worldwide shortly after its release, ranking #1 in the charts in over 120 regions.[1] [2]

Maxton Hall
Amazone Prime
A Modern-Day Romeo and Juliet with a Digital Twist
“Maxton Hall” is a contemporary adaptation of the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet, set against the backdrop of a prestigious private school. The series, which has captured the hearts of viewers with its first season, delves into the complexities of young love, class differences, and the pervasive influence of social media.
At its core, “Maxton Hall” is a reimagined script of Shakespeare’s tragedy. Ruby Bell and James Beaufort are the star-crossed lovers of this narrative, embodying the essence of Juliet and Romeo respectively. Their love story is a testament to the timeless nature of Shakespeare’s work, even as it is transposed onto the digital age’s canvas.
Families: Filthy Rich & Unhappy meets Poor & Happy
The series paints a vivid picture of the socioeconomic divide through the contrasting lives of its protagonists. James hails from wealth and privilege, while Ruby’s background is one of struggle and determination. This dichotomy is the heartbeat of the show, driving home the message that love does not discriminate, even when society does.
Hopelessly Romantic with Intelligent Dialogues
“Maxton Hall” shines in its portrayal of romance, not through grand gestures, but through the intelligent and heartfelt dialogues between its characters. The conversations are crafted with care, allowing the audience to feel the depth of the characters’ emotions and the weight of their words.
Social Media’s Role:
The series does not shy away from showcasing the influence of social media on the lives of its characters. It serves as both a catalyst for conflict and a mirror to the envy and gossip that plague their world. Yet, it also becomes a tool for connection, demonstrating the duality of the digital age.
“Maxton Hall” is a compelling watch that successfully blends the old with the new. It is a story of love that is both hopelessly romantic and strikingly relevant, set in a world where social media is the omnipresent narrator. The series invites viewers to reflect on the nature of love, the barriers we erect, and the ties that bind us across the digital divide.
As a Teacher of German and English: Watch the series in class or classes watch at home in groups:
Read the Shakespeare Original
Watch the best Films Julia & Romeo
Or selected Scenes to be discussed in groups.
Ask classes to write a film script of the same quality, draft contents and characters and settings with the classes one by one in group work.
Make a film if you have these options.
Written by
Author Peter H Bloecker

Nachtgedanken zur EU Wahl:
Als SPD Wähler (Willi Brandt) und Entspannungsmensch habe ich immer die Kinder und Enkel der SPD gewählt: Jede Stimme grün war wichtig, damals…
Jetzt in QLD im Ruhestand bin ich Mitglied der sehr schwachen Grünen.
In der EU würde ich nicht mehr grün wählen, stattdessen BSW, warum liegt auf der Hand:
Macht korrumpiert … der Rest ist Schweigen.
Dass junge Leute in D jetzt AFD wählen?
Hmmmm … nicht gut, lieber nicht wählen!
Denn Links geht gar nicht außer Sahra Wagenknecht, und die Ampel versagt bekanntlich auf allen Kanälen!
Bleiben noch Volt und auch CDU/CSU … not my cup of tea, though …
Written Thu 13 Jun 2024
More Nachtgedanken here soon …
Follow my Podcast Business German as well!

All Photo Credits phb
In the Backyard of our Gold Coast Home 600m from the South Pacific Ocean: Burleigh Waters, QLD.
Winter Garden Fire & the kids of Casa Da Vovo asked: What Is stronger, Water or Fire?
My answer was: Just check it out yourself!
They were very sad, once they had killed the Fire with the little cups they took from the sand pit.
We don‘t need no education …
Peter at Casa Da Vovo (Facebook)!

SZ App Review
Sent by phb | https://peblogger.com
Erfolgsserie „Maxton Hall“
Klischees hinter der Schlosskulisse
Die Young-Adult-Serie „Maxton Hall“ erfüllt überholte Sehnsüchte nach Glamour und Geborgenheit. Bei der Generation Z ist das unfassbar erfolgreich. Warum nur? Antwort oben, written by Blogger Peter Hanns Bloecker.
Mehr erfahren Sie auf FAZ.NET unter:
https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/medien/erfolgsserie-maxton-hall-klischees-hinter-der-schlosskulisse-19788533.htmlGesendet aus FAZ.NET Erhältlich im App Store
Sent by phb | https://peblogger.com
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