What quality do you value most in a friend?

Hmmmm …
There are mates and friends.
Reading Max Frisch and his Fragebogen Freundschaft first.
Nachtgedanken #12
Then I wonder …
Freundschaft was a Salute like G’d day mate in the Communist German Democratic Republik.
What is a true friend?
Some say my dog.
Others will call some name or start thinking.
I would think Friends are the rare ones, who really listen to you before they judge you.
Who never try to teach you.
Accept you like you are.
Expect nothing but your friendship.
Hard to find in fact.
My best friends live far away from my Home.
But I can come any time and visit them and stay.
They would not ask, when are you leaving again …
They are happy to see me.
These are my friends, and I count them on the fingers of my left hand.

From OZ kindly yours
P H Bloecker and wife Maria Ines
Lennon: Music Is The Language
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Music Is The language
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There are many Points Of View
Camera Eye
Looking at John Lennon‘s guitar the collector said:
Let us make a deal …

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