
My new self hosted website is https://peblogger.com



This Blog covers the period since July 2012, my retirement from the active school life in Germany, Namibia and Queensland.



Welcome to Wonderweaver

 I’m a retired high school teacher with a passion for languages, linguistics, and American Studies. After years of teaching and trying to inspire young minds, I’ve decided to weave my thoughts, experiences, and knowledge into this tapestry of words that I call Wonderweaver.

The name “Wonderweaver” is a fusion of two concepts that define this blog. “Wonder” represents the awe and curiosity that I hope to inspire in you, my readers. It’s a nod to the fascinating world of languages, the intricate patterns of linguistics, and the rich tapestry of American history and culture. “Weaver” symbolizes the act of bringing together diverse threads of knowledge and experience to create a coherent, engaging narrative.

In this blog, you’ll find posts exploring everything from the symbolism in Kafka’s works to the linguistic patterns in Auster’s novels. We’ll delve into historical events like World War I and WW2 and more, examining various perspectives from different multicultural backgrounds.  We’ll also venture into the realms of philosophy, gardening, traveling Europe, Africa and Namibia and other destinations.

My aim with Wonderweaver is not just to share information, but to spark discussions, inspire curiosity, and foster a love for learning. Whether you’re a student, a fellow educator, or simply a lifelong learner, I hope this blog will be a valuable resource and a source of inspiration for you.

So, join me on this journey as we weave wonders together. Welcome to Wonderweaver!

Motto: Chasing Rainbows.

I was born in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein, the federal state with horizons, on 28 August 1949.
I went to school in HUJE for 4 years, where I learnt to read, write and do maths.
My father was the only teacher there for 9 school years.
The first years at a grammar school in Itzehoe (Kaiser-Karl-Schule) were exciting and stimulating for me and simply very enriching.
Later, in Kiel, I graduated from high school (1968) and decided to become a teacher. Studying in Kiel and Berlin (FU) and my first stay abroad in England (Shrewsbury) confirmed my plans.
After starting a family, I went with my then wife first to Scharnebeck near Lüneburg, then to Windhoek, Namibia.
After 6 years and 4 more years in Dannenberg, I applied for a job as a consultant at the Goethe-Institut in Brisbane, Australia, where I was in charge of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) in the Department of Education for over 7 years. Since 1980, numerous further training courses and training as a counselling teacher and COACH. From 2005 to mid-2012 I lived and worked in Dannenberg / Elbe as coordinator of the upper school of the Fritz-Reuter-Gymnasium.

I left active teaching service in July 2012 (ATZ) and live near Lueneburg and on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia

Short bio: 

Geboren mitten in Schleswig-Holstein, dem Bundesland mit Horizonten, erblickte ich am 28. August 1949 das Licht der Welt.
Ich ging 4 Jahre lang in HUJE zur Schule, wo ich lesen, schreiben und rechnen lernte.
Alleiniger Lehrer für 9 Schuljahrgänge dort war mein Vater.
Die ersten Jahre auf einem Gymnasium in Itzehoe (Kaiser-Karl-Schule) waren für mich auf- und anregend und einfach nur spannend und sehr bereichernd.
Später in Kiel machte ich mein Abitur (1968) und beschloss, Lehrer zu werden. Studium in Kiel und Berlin (FU) und erster Auslandsaufenthalt in England (Shrewsbury) bestätigten meine Pläne.
Nach Gründung einer Familie ging ich mit meiner damaligen Frau zunächst nach Scharnebeck bei Lüneburg, anschließend nach Windhuk, Namibia.
Nach 6 Jahren und 4 weiteren Jahren in Dannenberg bewarb ich mich als Fachberater des Goethe – Instituts in Brisbane, Australien, wo ich über 7 Jahre den Bereich  “Deutsch als Fremdsprache” (DaF) im Department of Education betreute. Seit 1980 zahlreiche Fortbildungen und Ausbildung als Beratungslehrer und COACH. Von 2005 bis Mitte 2012 lebte und arbeitete ich in Dannenberg / Elbe als Koordinator der Oberstufe des Fritz-Reuter-Gymnasiums.

Ich habe im Juli 2012 den aktiven Schuldienst verlassen (ATZ) und wohne bei Lueneburg und an der Gold Coast in Queensland Australia

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My Blog on EDUCATION and Life Skills and more … > LINK

My Blog Learning German Online > LINK

My Business German Podcast > LINK

Finally achieved in 2017 – Australian Citizenship

3rd March 17



Hinterland of the Gold Coast – Beechmont


Northern view Burleigh North – picture taken May 2018


Burleigh Beach May 2018IMG_0779img_3239

With our best wishes from the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia

Kindly yours

Peter Hanns Bloecker and wife Maria Ines Francioli.




Copilot has generated the following profile, slightly changed & improved by editing:

Peter H. Bloecker and Maria Ines have a rich educational background and a unique concept for their work:

Peter H. Bloecker

Peter H. Bloecker has been blogging about education and life skills since 2012 A. His blog, Wonderweaver, focuses on higher education, teaching methodologies, and life skills A. He has a deep passion for education, which is evident in his extensive writings and contributions to the field A. His background includes working as a director of studies and educator in various locations, including the Australian Goethe Institut in Brisbane and Fritz-Reuter-Gymnasium in Dannenberg B C.

Maria Ines

Maria Ines, Peter’s wife, is an art teacher from Brazil with a long teaching background B. She holds an arts degree from Rio University and has established a standalone childcare center in her private home on the Gold Coast, Queensland B. Her bilingual childcare concept is unique in Australia, catering children aged 3 to 7 who interact and learn speak and listen only in Portuguese B. This initiative reflects her commitment to early childhood education and cultural exchange.

Their Concept

Peter and Maria Ines’s concept revolves around the fusion of education, life skills, and cultural exchange A. Through their blog and educational initiatives, they aim to inspire and support learners of all ages, promoting a holistic approach to education that encompasses both academic knowledge and practical life skills. Their work emphasizes the importance of passion, creativity, and continuous learning.

It’s in fact inspiring to see how they’ve combined their firmer expertise and passion to make a positive impact on education and the community of the Gold Coast.

More about the Two here soon to come …


Peter H Bloecker and Maria Ines seem like a dynamic duo. Their diverse backgrounds and dedication to education and the arts have clearly enriched many lives of children and young students.

Maria’s initiative to create a bilingual childcare center on the Gold Coast sounds inspiring and very unique. Introducing children to a second language at an early age, especially in a culturally rich environment, can have such profound and lasting impacts.

Peter’s work in higher education and his blog have undoubtedly touched many students through the years. Their combined efforts are a testament to the power of passion and commitment in making a meaningful difference.

Pls take notice:

This text was prompted and generated by Copilot and will be updated soon!

Kindly yours

Maria Ines & Peter H Bloecker

Updated Sat 5 Oct 2024.

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