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“Place & Time”

Peter H Bloecker

Director, Burleigh_Solutions

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I was born right in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein, the federal state with horizons, on 28 August 1949.

At the left and not too far the North Sea (Der Blanke Hans) and at the right the Baltic Sea.

In the North Denmark with Flensburg, and at the South Hamburg and the river Elbe.
I went to school for 4 years in HUJE, a very small village, where I learnt to read, write and do maths.
My father was the only teacher there for 9 school year levels, all students in one room only.
The first years at a grammar school in Itzehoe (Kaiser-Karl-Schule) were very exciting and stimulating for me and simply enriching, coming from a small village in Holstein.

My first friends and mates were sons and daughters of the local farmers, and on their farms and in their hay sheds or barns and attics I spent my childhood over the years.

An extremely interesting childhood without any traffic, noise, not even cars.

But tractors like the post war blue Lanz Bulldog and animals and horses.

And country folks.

And refugees from East Prussia, today mostly Russian and Polish along the Baltic coastline.
15 years old and later, in Kiel, I took my A-levels (1968), and I decided to become a teacher myself like my father, the first born son of a farmer.

The options I considered those days were Law and Medicine and The Army – not much more, as – looking back – we knew absolutely nothing about Universities and what to study there.

Studying in Kiel and West – Berlin (Free University) plus my first job abroad in England (Shrewsbury) only confirmed my plans: Teaching and Learning, but after one year as an assistant teacher I knew: My plans were first consolidating in Germany, but later work in German High Schools abroad.

After starting a family, I went with my then wife to Scharnebeck near Lüneburg, and a few years later to Windhoek, Namibia: The private High School DHPS.
After 6 years and 4 more years in Dannenberg (Elbe), I applied for a job as a Language Adviser at the Goethe-Institut in Brisbane, Australia, where I was in charge of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) in the Department of Education for over 7 years until 2005.

Since 1980, numerous further training courses and training as a counselling teacher and COACH followed, as I understood, the more I could learn myself, the better for my students.

From 2005 to mid-2012 I lived and worked in Dannenberg / Elbe as the coordinator of the course system (Gymnasiale Oberstufe) Fritz-Reuter-Gymnasium, responsible for the year levels 10 to 13, ending with the German Abitur (Hochschulreife).

I left the active teaching service in July 2012 (ATZ), and have lived mostly near Lueneburg and on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia since then.

With our best wishes from the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia

Kindly yours

Peter Hanns Bloecker and wife Maria Ines.



Updated Wed 7 Aug 2024.

Music Is The Language

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Surfing Boys | Credit phb


Smart children cannot stop asking why.

Some adults, according to their own education and childhood, might become very angry and answer in short

Could you please stop asking stupid questions?

Are there any stupid questions anyway?

Well, after teaching high schools for 35 years, I must admit, there are some stupid questions. However, blocking smart children from asking their questions is not a very good idea at all.

Because they will always try to find an answer how the world is working, or, in the words of the German Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält.

So, why is a very smart question, and telling kids to shut up might be necessary from time to time; however, telling them why you are not able to answer their question at a certain moment in time is always a good idea.


About the Cingulate Gyrus

Muscles and Brains | Organs of Humans

Key factor 1: Exercise

Key factor 2: Nutrition

Key factor 3: Social life

The fact is…

The brains of the superagers in a given area appeared to be very healthy; they also have another special feature, reports Düzel: 

An area of the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus was relatively large in comparison.

This is a region that is associated with perseverance and the ability to maintain effort. 

“This could be the basis for super-agers living a healthier lifestyle.” 

But not everyone who lives a healthy life becomes a superager, emphasises Düzell. BECAUSE …

  • The rest is DNA and a dose of luck.
  • No accidents and the like…

The wrong place at the wrong time might cause an accident.


More here soon via my blogs on higher education…

From the Gold Coast, with my best wishes and greetings

Kindly yours

Peter H Bloecker

Author and Blogger


Hiking and more around Chiemgau and Bavarian Sea in Sep 2024.
Chiemsee Sep 2024 | Credit phb

Updated Sat 7 Sep 2024.

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