
- Ich bleibe vorweg bei meiner zentralen These, Digitalisierung ist kein Selbstzweck: Es geht wie bei anderen Medien auch um einen sinnvollen Einsatz im Lernprozess: Tafel und Kreide dienen der Visualisierung, also ist eine digital erstellte Mindmap nichts anderes als ein gut strukturiertes farbiges Tafelbild. Folglich wird ein Unterricht nicht dadurch per se gut oder besser, indem Digitalisierung integriert wird.
- Eine sinnvolle Integration digitaler Medien ist trotzdem immer anzustreben, je mehr und besser, umso besser sind die Ergebnisse, die darin bestehen, Vorwissen der Lernenden kontinuierlich zu erweitern.
- Dazu gehoeren Reflexion, Innehalten, Verarbeitung gleich Verknuepfungen im Gehirn erstellen, und vor allem Vermittlung des neu Gelernten gleich Kommunikation ueber das Wissen sprich Gelernte.
- Grundkenntnisse eines mentalen Lexikons und seiner Struktur und Arbeitsweise sind dabei fuer planende und entscheidene Lehrkraefte unabdingbar. Eine kontinuierliche Erweiterung ist bei allen Lernenden immer anzustreben: Dazu gehoeren eine staendige Erweiterung des allgemeinen Vokabulars und Fachvokabulars inklusive der wichtigen Metabegriffe und Abstraktionen, ohne die sinnvolles Lernen nicht ermoeglicht werden kann. Unterricht digital oder nicht muss immer strukturiert sein und darf bei begrenzter und kostbarer Lernzeit nicht verschwenderisch sein! Das halte ich fuer sehr wichtig, und es wird nach meinen Beobachtungen leider oft unterschätzt!
- Ohne eine sinnvolle Kommunikation sprich Diskurs und Reflexion gibt es keine erfolgreichen Lernprozesse. Anders gesagt: Diese werden ohne Kommunikation im Sinne von Darstellung und Vermittlung immer unvollstaendig sein.
- Die Verortung und die Dimension ZEIT sind immer und vollstaendig einzubeziehen: Was heute gilt, kann uebermorgen ueberholt sprich weniger relevant sein. Mit Verortung sind immer die Summe aller interkulturelle Bezüge zu verstehen, die reflektiert werden müssen, soweit das moeglich und sinnvoll erscheint. Gelten unsere Ergebnisse für immer, sind sie quasi zeitlos oder nur für heute oder morgen? Und gelten sie im Raum des Mittelmeers oder in Japan so wie hier bei uns? Gelten sie für alle Menschen oder eher nur Maenner oder Frauen oder nur im kulturellen Bereich Europas? Im Norden und Süden oder Westen und Osten Europas oder Deutschlands gleichermassen?
- Ich stelle mir einen Baum im Sinne Hesses vor, der im Verlauf des Kalenderjahres seine Erscheinung ständig ändert und nicht jeden Tag über gleich aussieht: Nachts und bei Sonne mittags funktioniert er ganz unterschiedlich, aber immer ist er verbunden mit dem Boden, hat Wurzeln, und streckt seine Äste und Zweige unterschiedlicher Stärke dem Himmel gleich Licht entgegen.
- Um ihn herum stehen andere Bäume, grosse und kleine, und verschiedene Arten: Er kann allein auf einer Wiese stehen, andere sind 100 m oder auch weiter von ihm entfernt, er kann in einem grossen Wald oder einem Wäldchen stehen. Alle Wälder der Erde sind miteinander verbunden wie auch das Wasser auf dem Erdball insgesamt verbunden ist, zumindest durch die Atmosphäre / Luft / Wind / Wolken / Clouds.
- Der Stamm des Baumes hat andere Formen und Aufgaben als die Wurzeln und Äste und Blätter: Übertragen auf Soft – und Hardware bedeutet das: Digitale Medien und ihre Übertragungen gleich Nutzung oder Gebrauch sprich Wissen und Daten und Verarbeitung lassen sich in diesem Gleichnis lokalisieren: Das Universum mit seiner Energie entspricht den diversen Clouds für die Wirtschaft und das Recht und das Wetter und die Hochschulen und Schulen weltweit, welche Daten oder auch Information und Wissen verarbeiten und speichern. Der Stamm aller Bäume ist als Gleichnis aller Hardware zu verstehen und die Anwendungen sind Entwicklungen, Tausende für die Erfassung von Wetterdaten heute und viele Zigtausende in einigen Jahren. Apps von heute und gestern werden morgen ersetzt durch bessere und schnellere Apps.
- Die Blätter einer Eiche könnten als Apps verstanden werden, sie vergehen und werden durch neue ersetzt, der Baum wird sich aber über das Jahr je nach Standort immer seiner Blätter bedienen bzw. Informationen werden immer fliessen, sonst ist der Baum tot. Auch im Winter lebt er, auch nachts ist er nicht tot, er ruht nur.
- Die Sprachen bzw. die Codes zur Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Wissen sind immer in ihrer Ganzheit zu fassen: Englisch geschrieben koennen sie schon heute in allen Sprachen ausgelesen werden. Wenn ich meinen Microsoft Browser Edge auf Deutsch und Englisch einstelle, kann ich deutsche Texte in englischer Sprache lesen und umgekehrt. Jede Schul – Cloud eingebunden in eine europäische Cloud muss immer vielsprachig sein, zu Beginn in englischer und französischer und deutscher Sprache, dann in allen anderen relevanten Weltsprachen. Deutsche Welle und Goethe-Institut machen vor, wie Texte multilingual abgerufen werden, obwohl sie im Original in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst wurden.
“Die Sprache ist so alt wie das Bewusstsein – die Sprache ist das praktische, auch für andere Menschen existierende wirkliche Bewusstsein, und die Sprache entsteht, wie das Bewusstsein, erst aus dem Bedürfnis, der Notdurft des Verkehrs mit anderen Menschen.”
Karl MARX, Deutsche Ideologie, MEW 3, S.30 Hier besser heute: Notwendigkeit!
“Nebenbei bemerkt ist zu beachten, dass die Existenz von bestimmten Prinzipien der universalen Grammatik den Aufbau einer neuen Disziplin der mathematischen Linguistik ermöglicht, einer Disziplin, in der die Klasse der generativen Systeme, die den in der universalen Grammatik formulierten Bedingungen genügen, einer abstrakten Untersuchung unterzogen wird. Die Untersuchung zielt darauf ab, die formalen Eigenschaften einer jeden möglichen menschlichen Sprache zu erarbeiten.”
Noam CHOMSKY Sprache und Geist, Theorie Suhrkamp Verlag S. 119
Mehr im Netz unter Wortschatz und Mentales Lexikon.

Von Marx zu Chomsky – Communication Management of a Skilled School Teacher in a lesson about Language and Codes and the Digital Transformation in a changing world.
English Version:
I will stick to my main thesis that digitisation is not an end in itself: As with other media, it is about meaningful use in the learning process: Blackboard and chalk are used for visualisation, so a digitally created mind map is nothing more than a well-structured coloured blackboard picture. Consequently, a lesson does not become good or better per se by integrating digitisation.
A sensible integration of digital media should always be strived for, the more and better, the better the results, which consist of continuously expanding the learners’ prior knowledge.
This includes reflection, pausing, processing, creating links in the brain and, above all, communicating the newly learned knowledge.
Basic knowledge of a mental lexicon and its structure and functioning is indispensable for planning and deciding teachers. Continuous expansion is always to be striven for with all learners: This includes constant expansion of general vocabulary and subject vocabulary, including the important meta-terms and abstractions without which meaningful learning cannot be achieved. Teaching digitally or not must be structured and not wasteful with limited and precious learning time! I think this is very important, and it is unfortunately often underestimated according to my observations!
Without meaningful communication, i.e. discourse and reflection, there will be no successful learning processes. In other words: These will always be incomplete without communication in the sense of representation and mediation.
The localisation and the dimension of TIME are always and completely to be included: What is valid today can be outdated the day after tomorrow and be less relevant. Localisation are always to be understood. Intercultural context plus relations must be reflected, as far as this is possible and reasonable. Are our results valid forever, are they timeless or only for today or tomorrow? And do they apply in the area of the Mediterranean or in Japan as they do here with us? Do they apply to all people or rather only to men or women or only in the culture of Europe? In the north and south or west and east of Europe or Germany equally?
I imagine a tree in the sense of Hesse, which constantly changes its appearance in the course of the calendar year and does not look the same every day: At night and in the sun at noon it functions quite differently, but it is always connected with the ground, has roots, and stretches its branches and twigs of different strength towards the sky light.
Around it there are other trees, big and small, and of different species: It can stand alone in a meadow, others are 100 meters or more away from it, it can stand in a big forest or in a small forest. All the forests of the planet Earth are connected with each other as well as the water on the globe as a whole is connected, at least by the atmosphere / air / wind / clouds.
The trunk of the tree has other forms and tasks than the roots and branches and leaves: Transferred on soft – and hardware this image means: Digital media and their transmissions equal the use of knowledge and data, and processing can be localised in this metaphor: The universe with its energy corresponds to the various clouds for the economy and the law and the weather and the universities and schools worldwide, which process and store data or simply phrased information and knowledge. The trunk of all trees is to be understood as the hardware and the applications are developments, thousands for the collection of weather data today and many tens of thousands in a few years. Apps of today and yesterday will be replaced tomorrow by better and faster and different apps.
The leaves of an oak tree might be compared with apps, they pass away and are replaced by new ones, but the tree will always use its leaves over the year depending on the location. And information will always flow, otherwise the tree is dead. Also in the winter he lives, also at night he is not dead, he only rests.
The languages or the codes for the storage and processing of information and knowledge must be grasped in their wholeness: Written in English, they can already be read in all languages. If I set my Microsoft browser Edge to German and English, I can read German texts in English and vice versa. Every school cloud integrated into a European cloud must always be multilingual, initially in English and French and German, then in all other world languages. Deutsche Welle and Goethe-Institut demonstrate how texts are accessed multilingually, even though they were originally written in German or English.
“Language is as old as consciousness – language is the practical, also for other people existing real consciousness, and language arises, like consciousness, only from the need, the necessity of connecting with other people.” Karl MARX, German Ideology, MEW 3, p.30
“In passing, it should be noted that the existence of certain principles of universal grammar makes possible the construction of a new discipline of mathematical linguistics, a discipline in which the class of generative systems satisfying the conditions formulated in universal grammar is subjected to abstract investigation. The investigation aims at working out the formal properties of any possible human language.”
Noam CHOMSKY Language and Mind, Theory Suhrkamp Verlag p. 119
More in the net under vocabulary and mental lexicon.
Further Reading My Site
Update 01 Sep 2022
I spent 8 weeks in Germany landing in FRANKFURT end of June 2022.
I came back to Brisbane QLD Australia yesterday and am now working on my impressions and will sort out the photos taken – more than 1000 … and publish well selected photos on my Website and Blog.
As I was not able to leave Australia for more than three years, this visit of my extensive GERMAN FAMILIY and my FRIENDS was overdue for sure. I will write about my very positive reflexions coming to my real HOME, which is THE TRUE North of EUROPE.
Therefore the slogan I am using on social Media.
Thank you all, my dear mother (96 yrs old) and two sisters Antje and Gesa and my son and his great family living near Cologne.
And a big thank you to all my friends in Germany who spent their time with me and hosted me as well – Auf ein schnelles und frohes Wiedersehen im kommenden Jahr 2023 im Sommer.
Mit herzlichen Gruessen und CHAPEAU best wishes yours

My last update Testing ChatBotGPT out on Sat 4 Feb 2023
NYorker quoted today:
User: What’s your favorite color?
PenceGPT: I enjoy a wide range of colors, including pearl, ivory, eggshell, and, when I’m feeling really wild, wheat.
User: Do you have any classified documents at your house?
User: Is that a yes or a no?
PenceGPT: “For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” That is Jeremiah 29:11.
User: Are you planning to run for President in 2024?
PenceGPT: As the Bible says, Mike Pence is a good and politically relevant man.
User: I’m not sure the Bible says that, but I’ve got to go now. I’ll come back and chat with you later.
PenceGPT: Please don’t leave me. ♦
Last not least from The NewYorker Magazine Sat 4 Feb 2023
We should be afraid of the TrumpGPT or even the MuskGPT, though …
Metaverse and AI and Ethics | More here soon …. by phb
Article 95 | Unesco.org Website on Ethics and AI (adopted 23 Nov 2021)
Member States are encouraged to examine and address the cultural impact of AI systems, especially natural language processing (NLP) applications such as automated translation and voice assistants, on the nuances of human language and expression. Such assessments should provide input for the design and implementation of strategies that maximize the benefits from these systems by bridging cultural gaps and increasing human understanding, as well as addressing the negative implications such as the reduction of use, which could lead to the disappearance of endangered 33 languages, local dialects, and tonal and cultural variations associated with human language and expression.
Download the full Doc from UNESCO Website
Australian Principles and Framework Open AI and Ethics
Read my site AI and AGI
Updated on Mon 24 Apr 2023 by #phb

Maria Ines at work with her 5 children in our house & garden exploring & learning in a bilingual child care | Home Is Where The Heart Is. Author #phb
Learning a foreign language plays a vital role in bridging cultural gaps by facilitating communication, promoting cultural understanding, and fostering meaningful connections between individuals from different cultures. It enables us to appreciate our shared humanity while celebrating the richness of our cultural differences.
- Improved Communication: Learning a foreign language allows you to communicate directly with individuals from different cultures. It breaks down language barriers and enables meaningful interactions. By speaking someone’s language, you demonstrate respect and interest in their culture, fostering a positive connection.
- Cultural Understanding: Language is intertwined with culture. When you learn a foreign language, you also gain insights into the associated culture’s customs, traditions, values, and social norms. This understanding helps you navigate cultural differences more effectively, avoiding misunderstandings and promoting empathy and respect.
- Building Relationships: Language is a powerful tool for building relationships and forging connections. When you speak someone’s language, you can establish rapport and trust more easily. Learning a foreign language shows that you are invested in the culture and willing to engage with people on a deeper level, strengthening interpersonal bonds.
- Breaking Stereotypes: Learning a foreign language allows you to challenge stereotypes and preconceived notions. It provides an opportunity to interact directly with individuals from different cultures, fostering a greater appreciation for their unique perspectives and experiences. By understanding diverse cultures, you can counter stereotypes and promote cultural understanding.
- Empathy and Perspective-Taking: Language learning promotes empathy and perspective-taking. As you immerse yourself in a foreign language and culture, you begin to see the world from a different viewpoint. You gain insights into the challenges, joys, and nuances of another culture, cultivating empathy and a more open-minded approach to cultural differences.
- Cross-Cultural Collaboration: In an increasingly interconnected world, cross-cultural collaboration is essential. Learning a foreign language enhances your ability to work effectively with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. It facilitates teamwork, negotiation, and understanding, enabling you to navigate cultural nuances and find common ground.
- Cultural Diplomacy: Language skills can contribute to cultural diplomacy, promoting international understanding and cooperation. When you are proficient in a foreign language, you can serve as a bridge between cultures, fostering dialogue, and enhancing intercultural relations. This can be particularly valuable in fields such as international business, diplomacy, and humanitarian work.
- Appreciation of Diversity: Learning a foreign language broadens your perspective and appreciation for cultural diversity. It exposes you to different ways of thinking, living, and expressing ideas. By understanding and embracing diverse cultures, you become more tolerant, adaptable, and inclusive in your interactions with people from all backgrounds.

More about Language Learning and bridging THE CULTURAL GAPS here soon by #phb
Author and active Blogger living in Australia.
Understanding cross-cultural dynamics and bridging cultural gaps is crucial for our future collaborations in addressing climate change, wars, poverty, and corruption. By embracing cultural diversity and promoting intercultural dialogue, we can foster global cooperation, create inclusive solutions, and work towards a more sustainable, peaceful, and equitable world.

- Cross-cultural Understanding: Cultures shape our values, beliefs, and behaviors. By comprehending different cultural perspectives, we can foster empathy, respect, and mutual understanding. This understanding enables us to work collaboratively across borders and find common ground in tackling global issues.
- Climate Change: Climate change affects all nations, and collaborative efforts are essential to mitigate its impacts. Cultural differences influence attitudes towards the environment, sustainable practices, and resource allocation. Understanding diverse cultural perspectives allows for effective dialogue, cooperation, and the development of inclusive solutions.
- Wars: Wars often arise due to political, ethnic, or religious differences. Cross-cultural understanding helps break down stereotypes and misconceptions, fostering peaceful dialogue and conflict resolution. By embracing cultural diversity and promoting intercultural exchange, we can reduce tensions and promote peaceful coexistence.
- Poverty: Poverty is a complex issue influenced by social, economic, and cultural factors. Understanding diverse cultural contexts helps identify root causes and design targeted poverty alleviation strategies. Recognizing cultural strengths and local knowledge can empower communities to develop sustainable solutions tailored to their specific needs.
- Corruption: Corruption erodes trust, hampers development, and perpetuates inequality. Cultural norms and values shape attitudes towards corruption and ethical behavior. Understanding these nuances allows for the implementation of effective anti-corruption measures, transparency initiatives, and the promotion of accountable governance systems.
Connect via Youtube with Yakira Shimoni Fulks (USA) – Artist
Example of her Work
For my German Readers the new Podcast
Gysi gegen Guttenberg
Sehr zu empfehlen Folge 2: Sind die USA (noch) Freunde?
Last Update on Tue 24 Oct 2023

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