From Hamburg, I am sending my best wishes for the year to come …. may peace come back as soon as possible, and may your wishes and dreams come true!
This past year was not a very good one in many ways:
People have become afraid and worried about the future.
Too many bad news day by day: I did not even follow any news, I just read some summaries on the net.
Meeting your family and friends over Christmas is a real chance getting away from this all: Take a rest and settle down.
Enjoy the love of your family and friends, and breathe in and out consciously, and hope for a better year to come.
I just walked through the backyards in the North of Hamburg, and visited my mother in a small country town: She is now 97 years old, and she emembers the years after the second world war from 1945 on:
My father still a POW in France for two years until 1947: A young soldier and officer, who was forced into the war zones in Ukraine in 1944, only 20 years old, one of the few young soldiers surviving this terrible war killing millions of people in Europe.
Hope dies last became a motto for the rest of his life.

Give Peace A Chance (In Memory Of John Lennon).
With my best wishes from the True North Of Germany
Between The Horizons
Kindly yours

Music Is The Language

Im Norden von Hamburg:
Was sind Baumschulen – Schulen fuer Baueme?
Find out about Baumschulen Raum Hamburg / Pinneberg / the largest and unique Baumschulen in Europe!
Unter Baumschule ist nach der Definition in Der Große Brockhaus eine „Betriebsform zur Anzucht von Freilandgehölzen, oft auch Stauden“ zu verstehen.
Als Baumschule bezeichnet man erwerbsmäßig bewirtschaftete Anbauflächen für Bäume, Sträucher, Rosen (Ziergehölze), Obstgehölze und Forstpflanzen. Die Baumschule ist eine Untergruppierung des Gartenbaus und gehört nicht zur klassischen Feldwirtschaft oder der Forstwirtschaft.

Walking 10 km from some Baumschulen back to the North Of Hamburg / Kreis Pinneberg / Not far from Waldenau, where my mother Annita (now 97 years old) started her career as a school teacher at the age of 14 yrs – far away from her Home, a farm near RD – in the middle of Holstein, between North Sea and Baltic.
Last day of the Year 2023.
May the New Year 2024 bring Peace for us all.
Friede Auf Erden.
From The True North Of Germany
With my best and sincere wishes yours
Peter H Bloecker, Director Of Studies
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Happy New Year from Hamburg, yours
Peter H Bloecker
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