
I am not so much interested who wins the US elections in 2024, but rather why people there vote Trump at all.

In any Democracy the Majority of the population (The People) vote the Government they deserve.


Electorate and Popular Votes

The Blue Wall States

Is the Blue Wall going to hold?

I find the discourse and comments on the US elections 2024 very interesting, for various reasons.

What is Democracy?

Democracy is coming to the USA (Leonard Cohen)

Music Is The Language

What are the expectations?

Why this Hype before and trend analysis?

My vote would be Kamala Harris, but one vote in millios of votes does not count at all. Only the total numbers are of any relevance counted in per cent.

Not voting is a vote: Like I had no time or would not know who to vote for.

Voting in Australia is compulsory, Pflicht , for many good reasons: The more votes the clearer the popular view. like 100 % have voted and 52 voted for Trump and 48 for Harris: This would be a very clear popular vote.

This does not mean, 48 % of the voters would be happy, but they would accept they lost.

The majority is not always rigt.

Only the Ocean is right, always right.

So why would people vote for Trump at all?

What are Swing States?

I would contact people in the country and ask them why Trump?

The answer would be more or less: We know what he stands for. We would neither agree with his behaviour nor his views.

But he sends out clear messages, he would not deceive us.

Do we know what Harris stands for?

The answer would be rather a clear NO.

Has she performed during the campaign? In fact Biden has not performed, and she had to replace him suddenly.

Was she a good Vice President?

No clue, in fact!

And she is a city person.

We do not like and trust people there in the Big Cities.

Brisbane in Queensland is called The Big Smoke.

Elon Musk und Trump und Zuck und Cäsar

Trump und Putin

Comment from Munich before Election Day in SZ App | Author Heribert Prantl: (Example)

 Die Lüge war und ist für Trump das Mittel für den Machterwerb. (Macht)

Schwindel, Betrug, Fälschung, Unverschämtheiten: Das alles hat es seit jeher in der großen und kleinen Politik immer wieder gegeben – aber selten so dreist, so unverfroren, so alltäglich und drecksfrech wie bei Trump.

(Trumpet Trump)

Zwar hat schon Niccolò Machiavelli vor fünfhundert Jahren das Lob der Lüge gesungen. Er war der politische Philosoph, der lehrte, dass zur Erlangung oder Erhaltung politischer Macht jedes Mittel erlaubt sei, unabhängig von Recht und Moral: Wer ein großer Mann werden wolle, der müsse ein „gran simulatore e dissimulatore“ werden, ein großer Lügner und Heuchler. 

(SIC!) = SICK!!!

Man hatte bisher gedacht, das sei in Demokratien anders, man hatte gedacht, dass in Demokratien die Lüge den Lügner immer schneller einholt.

Trump widerlegt diese These! (Bisher)!

Dem Mann gebührt nicht die Wiederwahl, sondern die Verdammung seines Angedenkens.

Aber einen gewissen Dank hat sich selbst der Trompeter Trump verdient:

(Was lernt ein Krieger des Lichts von seinem ärgsten Feind?)

Trump hat den bequemen Glauben daran zerstört, dass Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in den Kernstaaten der sogenannten freien Welt sich, und sei es auch nur langsam Step by Step, quasi weiterentwickeln zur Wahrheit hin.

Das Sichergeglaubte ist nicht sicher, weil Aufklärung nicht ein einmaliges und immer bleibendes Ereignis darstellt.

Aufklärung ist immer notwendig.

Immer und nicht nur manchmal oder von Zeit zu Zeit:

Immer wieder neu!

Wie notwendig sie ist, zeigt die Faszination, die ein Dauer-Lügner wie Trump auf eine Vielzahl von Wählerinnen und Wählern ausübt.

Vor 240 Jahren, im September 1784, hat Immanuel KANT einen seiner berühmtesten Sätze zu Papier gebracht: “Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit”. 

Der Hype um Donald Trump zeigt heute oder morgen, wie wichtig dieser Ausgang noch und gerade im Herbst 2024 ist.

This Text was copied from my SZ App and the Author is Heribert PRANTL.

Adapted and re – edited by myself.

Ver – dichtung.

Die Wahrheit kommt immer ans Licht!

On Sundays Maria Ines and myself love to explore our Backyard stretching from the Southern Gold Coast to the Northern Rivers and the Tweed Valley to Byron Bay and the Byron Shire or Hinterland:

Many people and tourists do not have the time to explore the Hidden Valleys, they rather prefer the Gold Coast Beaches and the Bars and Restaurants and Parks.

As a man from the Country, I tend to explore the Farms with Animals and Vegetation and Crops and always come back to Farm Life and Country People for many reasons:

Country people are generally said different from City People.


This is another smart question…

Kindly yours from the Gold Coast plus it’s Hinterland wishing my reader a good and successful week

Peter H Bloecker

Retired Director Of Education

Truly Northern & born between the Horizons

Of Denmark and Hamburg and North Sea and Baltic Sea (From Kiel in S – H).

Credit phb
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Maria Ines | Credit phb
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Byron Bay | Credit phb
At Byron Beach Hotel | Credit phb

Wir leben in spannenden Zeiten …das ist sicher!

We all live in disruptive days for sure!

Certain is only uncertainty.

Carpe Diem!

Family First!

Education Second!

In a Nutshell: Why does Donald Trump become the POTUS of the USA a second time?

In these days of Uncertainty and Disruptions the United States population has voted clearly for a strong and white Man: In these days a vote for a non – white woman in the White House?

Obviously not at present, Kamala Harris has performed in the big cities, however not enough in the Country and smaller towns and communities in the United States.

But one day, Democracy will come to the USA as well (Leonard Cohen)

And Music Is The Language.

Peter Hanns Bloecker, Director Of Studies (Retired)


Updated Wed 6 Nov 2024 at 15:39pm.+++++


Kopiert aus der SZ App

Sehr clever – indeed:

In seiner Rede sprang Trump von Thema zu Thema. Dass er jetzt hier stehe, nachdem es mutmaßlich zwei Anschlagsversuche auf ihn gab, sehe er als Zeichen. Er sagt: „Gott hat mein Leben verschont, damit ich unser Land rette und Amerika zu seiner Größe zurückführe. Und jetzt erfüllen wir diese Mission zusammen.“ In seiner Ansprache erwähnte Trump auch den Unternehmer Elon Musk, hob dessen Unterstützung heraus und lobte Musks Raumfahrt- und Satellitenfirmen, um die China und Russland ihn beneiden würden. Trump sagte, nun sei es an der Zeit, das, was die USA spalte, beiseitezulegen und zusammenzukommen, wie es schon während seiner ersten Amtszeit der Fall gewesen sei.

The Wolf Of Wall Street

Read the NY Times Article for free …


Credit NYTimes | Richard Borge | Screenshot phb

The Famous Film Martin Scorcese with Leonardo DiCaprio.

The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, a corrupt stockbroker who defrauded millions of dollars from investors in the 1980s and 1990s. The film is based on Belfort’s memoir of the same name, and depicts his rise and fall in the world of finance, as well as his extravagant lifestyle of drugs, sex, and crime.

The film has received critical acclaim for its energetic and irreverent style, its dark humor, and its performances, especially by DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, who plays Belfort’s partner in crime Donnie Azoff. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay, but did not win any.

The film has also been criticized for its excessive and graphic depiction of Belfort’s debauchery, and for its lack of moral judgment on his actions. Some critics and viewers have argued that the film glorifies Belfort and his crimes, and fails to show the consequences of his fraud on his victims. Others have defended the film as a satire and a cautionary tale, and praised Scorsese and DiCaprio for their artistic vision and courage.

More about Film on my Blogs on Higher Education.

Author Peter H Bloecker



Updated on 11 Feb 2024

Trump & US Court

„Insurrection, rioting, and civil unrest are all forms of violent or disruptive behavior, but they differ in their scale, intent, and context.

Insurrection refers to a violent uprising against an established authority, usually with the aim of overthrowing the government or disrupting its operations. Insurrection often involves armed conflict, and those involved may seek to seize control of key institutions such as government buildings or military installations.

Rioting refers to a violent disturbance in public places, often involving a large group of people. Riots may be sparked by a variety of factors, including social or political grievances, economic inequality, or a perception of injustice. Rioters may engage in looting, vandalism, arson, or physical attacks on individuals or property.

Civil unrest is a broader term that refers to a range of non-violent and violent actions that express dissatisfaction with the status quo or seek to bring about change. Civil unrest can take many forms, including protests, demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, and acts of civil disobedience. While civil unrest may sometimes escalate into violence, it can also be a peaceful means of expressing dissent and effecting change.

In summary, insurrection involves a violent attempt to overthrow an established authority, rioting involves violent disturbances in public places, and civil unrest encompasses a range of non-violent and violent actions aimed at expressing dissatisfaction or effecting change.“

More here soon: Can Trump be stopped before the US elections?

Quote from

Facts and Social Media

Scio Nescio plus Soma, very dangerous and highly explosive …

Trump & Putin seem to know this, for sure!

This book puts Fake News in its historical context and works out how disinformation has fractured society now threatening democracy itself.

Welcome in the Brave New World of Aldous Huxley with SOMA the perfect DRUG and more to come soon …

This Is Only The Beginning …

Credit phb

From the Gold Coast

With best wishes yours


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Credit phb



Machtwechsel in Amerika

Trumps kalkuliertes Ende

Der scheidende Präsident kapituliert scheibchenweise. Es geht ihm um seinen künftigen Einfluss – und um viel Geld. Scheitert sein diabolischer Plan nun an der dilettantischen Ausführung?

Hoffe sehr, er geht jetzt für immer und kommt nie mehr zurück in die Politik: Ein Betriebsunfall der jüngsten Geschichte der USA.

Mehr erfahren Sie auf FAZ.NET unter:

Gesendet aus FAZ.NET Erhältlich im App Store 

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Nationalismus und Krieg: Einen sanften Nationalismus gibt es nicht | ZEIT ONLINE

Trump bleibt eine globale Gefahr …

Und mehr zum Thema Nationalismus.

Best yours


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