What historical event fascinates you the most?
When leaving the German Army at the age of 21, I visited a seminar in History at the University in Kiel:
History is Bunk. Title of the book we read and discussed.
99% of the time the Lecturer was talking.
No questions were asked.
Students were listening and writing their notes, this I do remember.
After a few sessions I gave up studying History.
Before I had tried a session Law, but gave up as soon as possible.
The following semester I tried a few sessions of Social Studies or Politik und Wirtschaft.
I read a whole book and had to summarize it: The comments of my fellow students and the lecturer were more or less encouraging.
But I gave this school subject up as well!
Teaching how to read a book on Social Studies or how to read Newspapers was obviously not my key interest.
So what next? Medicine? Business?
I never gave up studying English Literature and Drama and British Studies, though.
More about my life as a student and teacher here soon …
Not easy what to study at all, there are many options, indeed.
From the Gold Coast living a good life in Retirement
Kindly yours
Peter H Bloecker
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