My mother and my two sisters in Northern Germany and my son and grandson and my best friends .. just booked my annual flight to the True North of Germany, between Baltic and North Sea and Hamburg and Denmark. Nothing like Homecomings once per year .. if possible.
From Gold Coast in QLD with our best wishes and kind regards
Another successful Family Day at the bilingual Casa Da Vovo Burleigh …
More photos via Facebook Maria Ines.
Today rain here at the Gold Coast.
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My wife Maria Ines is a professional art teacher with a degree from Rio De Janeiro, in 1998 she retired at the Gold Coast after her daughter married a true blue Aussie from NSW.
We both met in 2004 and started our Third Life first in the North of Germany, then back in Australia in 2012, finding our new home in Burleigh.
Maria managed to convince her 4 daughters to come to the Gold Coast as well, following her intuition and establishing her dream:
Live in a safe and beautiful community with a lot of social connections
Family First
Children are our joy and pleasure and Hope Of The Future: We continue to live in our children and grandchildren, as true love will never fade …
Longevity ist nach der Netflixserie zum Hype geworden.
Wesentliche Informationen und gute Schautafeln finden Sie unter
Blue Zones
Gold Coast Australien ist keine Blue Zone, allerdings ein Paradies fuer Surfer und Menschen, die gern draussen sind.
Mein Park hier am Sued Pazifik ist morgens gegen 6 Uhr frueh belebt wie eine Autobahn, weil die Leute erst gegen 9 Uhr morgens im Buero oder in der Schule sein muessen.
OTW gleich On The Water
Surfen ab Sunrise – nie in der Dunkelheit.
Boote und OCEAN KAJAKS und Surf Skis.
SUP gleich Stand Up Paddle
Ich bin Mitglied im Canu CLUB der Bobs.
Burleigh Old Boys mit Outrigger Booten.
Im Shed.
Dehnübungen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil eines jeden Fitnessprogramms und können dabei helfen, die Muskeln zu entspannen, die Bewegungsfreiheit zu erhöhen und Verletzungen vorzubeugen.
Hier sind einige Tipps, wie Sie eine Dehnroutine in Ihren Alltag integrieren können:
Atemarbeit: Konzentrieren Sie sich auf tiefes Atmen während des Dehnens, um die Entspannung zu fördern und die Dehnung zu vertiefen.
Statische Dehnungen: Halten Sie jede Dehnung für 15 bis 30 Sekunden, um die Muskeln zu entspannen und die Flexibilität zu erhöhen.
Dynamische Dehnungen: Führen Sie vor dem Krafttraining dynamische Dehnungen durch, um die Muskeln aufzuwärmen und die Beweglichkeit zu verbessern.
Stärkungstraining: Kombinieren Sie Dehnübungen mit Krafttraining, um sowohl Flexibilität als auch Mobilität zu verbessern.
Für optimale Ergebnisse sollten Sie mindestens zwei- bis dreimal pro Woche Dehnübungen für alle großen Muskel-Sehnen-Gruppen durchführen – Nacken, Schultern, Brust, Rumpf, unterer Rücken, Hüften, Beine und Knöchel.
Denken Sie daran, dass es wichtig ist, auf Ihren Körper zu hören und niemals über Schmerzen hinauszugehen. Beginnen Sie langsam und steigern Sie die Intensität Ihrer Dehnübungen allmählich.
Flexibilität und Mobilität! 💪😊
Ulrich liest Uwe Johnson im Projekt
Eine Stadt liest (Rostock).
Mit UTF auf Fraser Island.
Ich bin Mitglied der UJG Rostock.
Mehr ueber Jahrestage, jetzt auch in englischer Uebersetzung.
Uwe Johnson fuer die Schule
Projekt Uwe Johnson Werkausgabe
More here soon | Pls come back later and bookmark …
Sehr gutes Interview … Lessons and more like Streben nach Sinn …
Goethe: Wer immer strebend sich bemueht …
The Mother Of All Questions.
Unter allen Wipfeln ist Ruh …
John Denver Country Boy – BBC 2013
Watch out here: Why country people are so nice and good and honest …
Bobby McGee and The Pearl
Kris Kristofferson, his life, relationship, career, and melancholic sad years. Kris Kristofferson, the legend himself, has been shaping the music scene for decades. Now, at nearly ninety years old, many fans have seen his success, but not everyone knows the horrifying melancholic journey he’s traveled. Beyond the spotlight, Kristofferson grappled with personal demons. Yet, he persevered. However, the fame lies behind a tale of struggle and heartache, and today, we are going to reveal it all. How did Kristofferson strive through the harshness of his youth? How does he live now? Join us as we uncover the harrowing truths about the legend.
Kris Kristofferson plays in Sam Peckinpah’s Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973), Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) and Convoy (1978). He is introduced by Sam’s assistant Katy Haber.
Segment from the Director’s Cut of Paul Joyce’s documentary Sam Peckinpah: Man of Iron (BBC, 1993) containing more than 10 hours of previously unseen interview footage, plus newly-shot interviews with Paul Joyce, Katy Haber and David Warner. Bonus feature on the UK Blu-ray release of Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (2017).
Sunday morning coming down …
Do not miss out on the last 15 minutes …
A Mexican Heart
The Black Dog haunting called Depression and more like
Von Berlin und Nds Raum LG und DAN / Elbe bis nach Namibia und Australien (Auslandslehrkraft und Fachberater des Goethe – Institits Australien).
Last Update on Thu 25 Apr 2024.
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Mein Kampf mit dem Bambus im Garten!
New Kitchen Window View after cutting down the Bamboo | Credit phb on Sat 27 Apr 2024Life Savers carved in wood | Seen at Kingscliff NSW | Credit phbDay 7 | Credit phbMy Trailer | Credit phb
While “mezzanine” is primarily used to describe architecture, “mezzanine financing,” in the financial realm, is capital that has both debt and equity features. Just like a mezzanine floor sits between the ground and first floors, this type of lending falls between more traditional types of financing.
Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, is a captivating destination with a rich history and unique allure. Here are some reasons why you might consider traveling there and staying longer:
Mysterious Moai Statues: The iconic moai statues, monolithic human figures carved from volcanic tuffstone, populate the island’s coasts. These enigmatic statues were created between 1250 and 1500 AD and represent tribal chiefs. Their cultural and religious significance continues to intrigue visitors.
Remote and Isolated: Rapa Nui is the most remote inhabited island on Earth. Its nearest neighbors are on Pitcairn Island, over 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles) away. The feeling of being far from the rest of the world adds to its allure.
Archaeological Treasures: Explore the Rano Raraku quarry, where the moai were cut, and visit the Orongo Ceremonial Village, known for its petroglyphs and cave paintings related to the Bird Man cult.
Natural Beauty: Witness the stunning landscapes, including the volcanic crater of Rano Kau, the pristine Anakena Beach, and the rocky coastline. The island’s lush greenery and turquoise waters create a magical setting.
Cultural Immersion: Engage with the local community, learn about the Rapa Nui language, and experience traditional dance shows. The island’s Polynesian heritage is still alive in its customs and practices.
Sunrise and Sunset: Watch the sunrise at Ahu Tongariki, where 15 imposing moai stand, and enjoy the sunset at Tahai. These moments are unforgettable.
Stargazing: Rapa Nui’s isolation makes it an excellent spot for stargazing. The clear night skies offer a celestial spectacle.
Relaxation: Take time to unwind on the beautiful beaches, swim in warm waters, and savor fresh seafood at local restaurants.
Remember that Rapa Nui is a place of mystery, history, and natural beauty. If you’re drawn to adventure, culture, and unique experiences, it’s definitely worth a visit! 🗿🌴🌅.
Certainly! Here’s a concise essay about the Kon-Tiki expedition:
The Kon-Tiki Expedition: A Bold Journey Across the Pacific
In 1947, Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl embarked on an audacious adventure that would capture the world’s imagination. His mission: to prove that ancient people could have made long sea voyages, connecting distant societies. The vessel for this daring experiment was the Kon-Tiki, a balsa wood raft.
The Hypothesis
Heyerdahl theorized that Polynesia’s islands were not solely populated by peoples from the west but also by indigenous South Americans. To demonstrate this, he set out to sail across the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands.
The Raft
Constructed in Peru, the Kon-Tiki was made from balsa logs and other native materials. Heyerdahl insisted on using only the technologies available to prehistoric people. The raft was named after the Inca god Viracocha, associated with the sun and creation.
The Journey
On April 28, 1947, Heyerdahl and his crew of five set sail from Callao, Peru. For 101 days, they drifted over 6,900 km (4,300 miles) across the Pacific. Their destination: Raroia in the Tuamotu Archipelago, near Tahiti.
The Impact
The Kon-Tiki expedition captured the world’s attention. Heyerdahl’s book, The Kon-Tiki Expedition: By Raft Across the South Seas, became a bestseller. A documentary film won an Academy Award, and the daring voyage challenged conventional wisdom about ancient seafaring capabilities.
In the end, the Kon-Tiki proved that technical limitations were not a barrier to such journeys. While Heyerdahl’s full hypothesis of a South American origin for Polynesians is debated, the spirit of adventure and curiosity lives on through the legacy of the Kon-Tiki expedition. 🌊🗺️🌴.
Thoughts Easter 2024 – DYING AND LIVING Birth is followed by life. Death is followed by Nothing? If the supernatural consolation is missing, what remains? God is dead. Religion? Christian churches become emptier and emptier. But I am left with memory and gratitude. Both can transcend space and time. True memory is more than just “thinking about” … our parents and grandparents and friends as we have experienced them. Photos help. Images and memories visualise the person who was and is no longer with us. They make him or her present. His or her face, his or her voice, his or her presence. That is life after death. A consolation, after all, because it is not a betrayal.
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