Bloecker Blog

Trump & US Court

„Insurrection, rioting, and civil unrest are all forms of violent or disruptive behavior, but they differ in their scale, intent, and context.

Insurrection refers to a violent uprising against an established authority, usually with the aim of overthrowing the government or disrupting its operations. Insurrection often involves armed conflict, and those involved may seek to seize control of key institutions such as government buildings or military installations.

Rioting refers to a violent disturbance in public places, often involving a large group of people. Riots may be sparked by a variety of factors, including social or political grievances, economic inequality, or a perception of injustice. Rioters may engage in looting, vandalism, arson, or physical attacks on individuals or property.

Civil unrest is a broader term that refers to a range of non-violent and violent actions that express dissatisfaction with the status quo or seek to bring about change. Civil unrest can take many forms, including protests, demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, and acts of civil disobedience. While civil unrest may sometimes escalate into violence, it can also be a peaceful means of expressing dissent and effecting change.

In summary, insurrection involves a violent attempt to overthrow an established authority, rioting involves violent disturbances in public places, and civil unrest encompasses a range of non-violent and violent actions aimed at expressing dissatisfaction or effecting change.“

More here soon: Can Trump be stopped before the US elections?

Quote from

Walking …

… teaches you the Poetry of Nature.

Nature is Poetry, when you have learnt awareness. Dream yourself away to many far away and exotic places.

Live Your Dream.

Best wishes from the Gold Coast

Yours P H Bloecker

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More about walking and On The Move here …

The Outback | Written by Author Peter Hanns Bloecker



G rowth
R est
D affodils, tulips, daylilies and
ew every day and year


Wer immer schreibend sich bemueht …

Aus Australien mit besten Wuenschen

Peter H Bloecker

Updated Mon 26 Feb 2024.

Coffee or Tea?

Herbal tea

Transitioning from coffee to tea can be a great step towards a healthier lifestyle. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Gradual Transition: Avoid quitting coffee abruptly as it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Start by reducing the amount of coffee you drink each day and replace it with tea123.
  2. Choose Your Tea: Black tea has the most caffeine, while herbal teas have the least. Over time, reduce the amount of coffee even further until you no longer need it1.
  3. Explore Herbal Teas: Herbal teas are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They can improve your mental health, boost your immune system, and protect your heart456.
  4. Healthy Alternatives: Consider other healthy drinks like ginger tea, chamomile tea, or even lemon water7.

Herbal teas have numerous health benefits. For instance, ginger tea can help with upset stomach and nausea4, chamomile tea can aid sleep and promote calmness5, and peppermint tea can relieve stress and aid digestion5. Remember, the key is moderation and finding what suits your taste and lifestyle best. Always consult your doctor if you decide to use herbs for any health condition.

In addition to switching to tea, consider incorporating other healthy habits into your lifestyle such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. These changes, along with reducing your coffee consumption, can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Vegan or not?

Nuts and other protein sources for a healthy lifestyle.

The main difference between vegan and vegetarian is that vegans avoid all animal products and by-products, while vegetarians only avoid animal flesh. This means that vegans do not consume meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, gelatin, or any other ingredients derived from animals. Vegetarians, on the other hand, may consume some of these products, depending on the type of vegetarianism they follow. For example, lacto-ovo vegetarians eat dairy and eggs, but not meat, poultry, or fish. Vegans also tend to avoid using any products that involve animal exploitation or cruelty, such as leather, wool, silk, or cosmetics tested on animals. Vegetarians may or may not share these ethical views. Both veganism and vegetarianism can have health benefits, such as lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. However, vegans need to be more careful about getting enough protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B12, and other nutrients that are more abundant in animal products. Vegetarians can get these nutrients from eggs and dairy, or from fortified foods and supplements. Both diets also have environmental benefits, as they reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and land use associated with animal agriculture. However, veganism may have a lower environmental impact than vegetarianism, as dairy and eggs still require a lot of resources to produce. For more information, you can check out these articles: Vegan vs Vegetarian – What’s The Difference?, Vegan vs. vegetarian: Differences, benefits, and which is healthier, “Vegan” vs. “Vegetarian” – What’s The Difference?, and Vegan vs Vegetarian – Difference and Comparison.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 04/02/2024
(1) Vegan vs Vegetarian – What’s The Difference? – Healthline.
(2) Vegan vs. vegetarian: Differences, benefits, and which is healthier.
(3) “Vegan” vs. “Vegetarian” – What’s The Difference? –
(4) Vegan vs Vegetarian – Difference and Comparison | Diffen.
(5) Getty Images.


Some of the best vegan protein sources are soy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains. These foods provide not only protein but also other nutrients, such as iron, calcium, fiber, and antioxidants. Here are some examples of how much protein you can get from these plant foods per serving¹²³:

  • Soy products: tofu (10 g per 100 g), tempeh (19 g per 100 g), edamame (11 g per 100 g), soy milk (6 g per cup)
  • Legumes: beans (7–8 g per 1/2 cup), lentils (8 g per 1/2 cup), peas (8 g per 1/2 cup), chickpeas (7.5 g per 1/2 cup), hummus (4 g per 1/4 cup)
  • Nuts: almonds (6 g per 1 oz), walnuts (4.5 g per 1 oz), cashews (4.5 g per 1 oz), pistachios (6 g per 1 oz), nut butters (6–8 g per 2 tbsp)
  • Seeds: chia seeds (6 g per 1 oz), flax seeds (6 g per 1 oz), hemp seeds (9.5 g per 1 oz), sunflower seeds (5.5 g per 1 oz), pumpkin seeds (8.5 g per 1 oz)
  • Grains: quinoa (8 g per cup), oats (6 g per 1/2 cup), buckwheat (6 g per cup), spelt (10.7 g per cup), teff (10 g per cup)

In a nutshell, there are many options to get enough protein on a vegan diet. However, it is important to eat a variety of plant foods to ensure that you get all the essential amino acids that your body needs. You can also use vegan protein powders, bars, and supplements to boost your protein intake if needed.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 04/02/2024
(1) What is a good source of protein for vegetarians?.
(2) The 18 Best Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians – Healthline.
(3) A Comprehensive Chart of Vegan Protein Sources – Healthline.
(4) What are some of the top vegan sources of protein? – Medical News Today.
(5) Eight Complete Vegan Protein Sources – MYPROTEIN™.
(6) Best Vegan Protein Sources: The Ultimate Guide – Dietitian Debbie Dishes.
(7) undefined.

Written with the help of AI Copilot

By Peter H Bloecker

More about Living a healthy Life here pretty soon …

From Australia


P H Bloecker

Just back from a trip to Tamborine Mountain, after heavy storms and damage the roads are ok again.


There are Winery Tours and events tourists from Brisbane and the Gold Coast can book.

Search for The Vinobus.

HOTA Gold Coast

Daniel & Snoop | Ein Blindenhund.

Border Collie | Messi | Awarded in Cannes 2023.

Sandra Hueller (Tony Erdmann) in an outstanding performance in a court in Grenoble:

Is she a Monster?

Read my Review of the Film.

(Pls scroll down to the end)

Anatomy Of A Fall

The real fall from a window in the Swiss chalet and the court case in Grenoble with Sandra Hueller (German Actress).

About marriage and more …

Is the mother the monster?

Or the dead father?

An amazing film about languages, made for dog lovers and other human beings …

Trust only yourself.

Lost in translation.

I saw the German version, Sandra speaks German instead of English!

Then the original version awarded in Cannes as best film (2023).

And Mossi – the dog – was awarded | The real Hero with Daniel.

Blindenhund Snoop.


Lucy and UTF

German version seen in Berlin in Jan 2024 | Original version seen at HOTA Gold Coast on Sat 03 Feb 2024.

Words are only words.

Written by P H Bloecker

With some AI Bing generated infos. Pls scroll down to the end.

> Profle

Written by UTF | Lucy & Ronja | Dog Lovers | Credit phb

UTF and his dogs Lucy & Ronja

Firma Fries Kiel Deutschland

Read more about the film here …

Wikipedia | The Plot


Original is on my Blog > HOTA Gold Coast

scroll down to end of site, pls


Copilot BING AI Review of the Film:

Anatomy of a Fall is a French courtroom thriller that won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2023. It tells the story of Sandra Voyter, a German novelist who is accused of murdering her husband, Samuel, who fell from their chalet window. The film explores the complexities of their marriage, which involved three languages: English, French, and German. Sandra preferred to speak in English, while Samuel wanted to live in France and learn French. The film also examines the role of language in the legal system, as Sandra’s trial is conducted in French, with the help of an interpreter. The film is a gripping and intricate puzzle, with a superb performance by Sandra Hüller as the enigmatic Sandra, who keeps the audience guessing about her guilt or innocence. The film also raises questions about society’s attitudes towards women who are ambitious, independent, and bisexual, as Sandra faces prejudice and scrutiny from the prosecution and the media. The film is directed by Justine Triet, who co-wrote the screenplay with Arthur Harari. It is based on a novel by Sandra Voyter, who is a fictional character inspired by several real-life female writers. The film has received critical acclaim and has been nominated for several awards, including Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards123.

Some possible ways to continue the conversation are:

  • If you are interested in watching the film, you can find it on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video.
  • What do you think of Sandra’s character? Do you sympathize with her or suspect her?
  • Have you read any of Sandra Voyter’s novels? If so, which one is your favorite and why?
  • How do you feel about the use of three languages in the film? Do you think it adds to the realism or the confusion?

More about Film And Literature and Culture and the GAP here …

Author Peter H Bloecker


Read the Film Review in The Guardian


My Site about FILM

Good morning from tropical QLD Australia!

View from my deck with an early morning coffee and the weekend approaching fast!!!

With my best wishes and greetings kindly yours

P H Bloecker with Maria Ines

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Author and active Blogger

For Digital and real Nomads, grey and young ones:

ALDI OZ is marketing Nomad Necessities very well at present with some brilliant ideas, like

Hit The Trail

Weather resistant Safety Adapter for 50 AUD with a 15A plug to regular household power outlets (Campsite).

EUREF Campus Berlin

Heute dort am Gasometer mit viel Zeit, das hat mir sehr gefallen!

Die Zukunft der Energie in D und EU: Sehr anregend!

Euref entsteht auch am Flughafen Duesseldorf und Hamburger Hafen, geplant auch in Paris!

More Links and Infos will follow here soon …


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Updated by Author Peter H Bloecker

10 Jan 2024


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Rerik | Ostsee

Great weekend with my sister Antje in Rerik Baltic Sea

Truly Northern yours

P H Bloecker

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Church Rerik | Credit phb

Rollmops | Pickled Herring

Rollmops are a traditional appetizer from Berlin, Germany, consisting of pickled herring fillets that are rolled around ingredients such as gherkins, onion rings, or green olives¹². They are usually eaten cold, on their own or with bread, and are often served as part of a hangover breakfast². Rollmops are a way to preserve and transport fish, especially during meatless periods like Lent². They became popular in the 19th century, when the railway network allowed the herring from the North and Baltic seas to reach the interior of Germany².

Rollmops are considered a culinary experience by some people, who enjoy the tangy and salty flavor of the pickled fish and the crunchy texture of the vegetables. They are also a part of the German cultural heritage, as they reflect the history and geography of the country. Rollmops can be found in many supermarkets, delis, and pubs in Germany, as well as in other countries like England and Poland¹². Some people like to make their own rollmops at home, using fresh or frozen herring and their preferred fillings and seasonings³⁴..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 08/01/2024
(1) Rollmops | Traditional Appetizer From Berlin, Germany – TasteAtlas.
(2) Rollmops – Wikipedia.
(3) What Are Rollmops? (with pictures) – Delighted Cooking.
(4) What Is The Difference Between Rollmops And Pickled Herring?.


Zeit plus Reise plus Kinder | Zeitreisen | Lesen und Literatur | Bildung

Was macht die ZEIT mit uns?


(Draft only):

There is no definitive answer to what the future of humanity will look like in 1000 years, as it depends on many factors, such as technological, social, environmental, and biological changes. However, based on some current trends and projections, we can imagine some possible scenarios. Here are some of them:

  • Cybernetic: In this scenario, humans will become more integrated with machines and artificial intelligence, enhancing their physical and mental capabilities. Humans will be able to augment their senses, memories, emotions, and skills with implants, devices, and interfaces. They will also be able to upload their minds to digital platforms, creating virtual realities and immortality. ¹²
  • Genetic: In this scenario, humans will use biotechnology and genetic engineering to modify their own DNA and create new forms of life. Humans will be able to alter their appearance, health, lifespan, and intelligence. They will also be able to create new species and hybrids, such as human-animal chimeras, designer babies, and clones. ³⁴
  • Cosmic: In this scenario, humans will expand their presence and exploration beyond Earth, colonizing other planets and moons in the solar system and beyond. Humans will use advanced rockets, spacecraft, and habitats to adapt to different environments and resources. They will also encounter and communicate with extraterrestrial life forms, if they exist. ⁵

These are some of the possible scenarios for the future of humanity in 1000 years. Of course, there are many other factors and uncertainties that could affect the outcome, such as wars, disasters, ethics, and values. The future is not predetermined, but rather shaped by the choices and actions of humans today. 🌎.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/1/2024
(1) Future evolution: from looks to brains and personality, how will humans ….
(2) Timeline of the far future – Wikipedia.
(3) Where Will Humanity Be In The Next 1000 Years? – Future Space World.
(4) The Exciting Future of Humanity: Exploring 1,000 Years of Progress.
(5) The future of human evolution | Ask An Anthropologist.

Happy New Year

From Hamburg, I am sending my best wishes for the year to come …. may peace come back as soon as possible, and may your wishes and dreams come true!

This past year was not a very good one in many ways:

People have become afraid and worried about the future.

Too many bad news day by day: I did not even follow any news, I just read some summaries on the net.

Meeting your family and friends over Christmas is a real chance getting away from this all: Take a rest and settle down.

Enjoy the love of your family and friends, and breathe in and out consciously, and hope for a better year to come.

I just walked through the backyards in the North of Hamburg, and visited my mother in a small country town: She is now 97 years old, and she emembers the years after the second world war from 1945 on:

My father still a POW in France for two years until 1947: A young soldier and officer, who was forced into the war zones in Ukraine in 1944, only 20 years old, one of the few young soldiers surviving this terrible war killing millions of people in Europe.

Hope dies last became a motto for the rest of his life.

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Give Peace A Chance (In Memory Of John Lennon).

With my best wishes from the True North Of Germany

Between The Horizons

Kindly yours

Peter H Bloecker


Baumschulen | Tannen | Credit phb

Music Is The Language

Mark Knopfler

Credit phb


Im Norden von Hamburg:

Was sind Baumschulen – Schulen fuer Baueme?

Find out about Baumschulen Raum Hamburg / Pinneberg / the largest and unique Baumschulen in Europe!

Unter Baumschule ist nach der Definition in Der Große Brockhaus eine „Betriebsform zur Anzucht von Freilandgehölzen, oft auch Stauden“ zu verstehen.

Als Baumschule bezeichnet man erwerbsmäßig bewirtschaftete Anbauflächen für Bäume, Sträucher, Rosen (Ziergehölze), Obstgehölze und Forstpflanzen. Die Baumschule ist eine Untergruppierung des Gartenbaus und gehört nicht zur klassischen Feldwirtschaft oder der Forstwirtschaft.


Walking 10 km from some Baumschulen back to the North Of Hamburg / Kreis Pinneberg / Not far from Waldenau, where my mother Annita (now 97 years old) started her career as a school teacher at the age of 14 yrs – far away from her Home, a farm near RD – in the middle of Holstein, between North Sea and Baltic.

Last day of the Year 2023.

May the New Year 2024 bring Peace for us all.

Friede Auf Erden.

From The True North Of Germany

With my best and sincere wishes yours

Peter H Bloecker, Director Of Studies

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More > Hanns unterwegs


Hermann Hesse: Der Steppenwolf und mehr …


Guten Rutsch!
Guten Rutsch!

Tanz (SZ App)

Sylvester Abend ARD und ZDF

Nach 10 Minuten schalte ich ARD und ZDF aus, finde aber Tina Turner auf 3 Sat | No 1 of course | Der Abend zuhause ist gerettet!

Junge Leute auf der Bühne am Brandenburger Tor ohne jede Stimme, und alte Männer in der ARD Sylvester Show | das muss ich nicht haben 🙁

Happy New Year from Hamburg, yours

Peter H Bloecker


Let’s groove

An Silvester werden die alten Sorgen weggetanzt. Aber was passiert im Körper eigentlich genau bei Walzer oder Techno? Über Glücksgefühle, Modetänze und Inspiration für die Partygarderobe.

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