Bloecker Blog


Celebrations and Macron was right:

All or Nothing to save the Republic!

Congrats and very relieved for sure …

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Smart children cannot stop asking why.

Some adults, according to their own education and childhood, might become very angry and answer in short

Could you please stop asking stupid questions?

Are there any stupid questions anyway?

Well, after teaching high schools for 35 years, I must admit, there are some stupid questions. However, blocking smart children from asking their questions is not a very good idea at all.

Because they will always try to find an answer how the world is working, or, in the words of the German Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält.

So, why is a very smart question, and telling kids to shut up might be necessary from time to time; however, telling them why you are not able to answer their question at a certain moment in time is always a good idea.


About the Cingulate Gyrus

Muscles and Brains | Organs of Humans

Key factor 1: Exercise

Key factor 2: Nutrition

Key factor 3: Social life

The fact is…

The brains of the superagers in a given area appeared to be very healthy; they also have another special feature, reports Düzel: 

An area of the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus was relatively large in comparison.

This is a region that is associated with perseverance and the ability to maintain effort. 

“This could be the basis for super-agers living a healthier lifestyle.” 

But not everyone who lives a healthy life becomes a superager, emphasises Düzell. BECAUSE …

  • The rest is DNA and a dose of luck.
  • No accidents and the like…

The wrong place at the wrong time might cause an accident.


More here soon via my blogs on higher education…

From the Gold Coast, with my best wishes and greetings

Kindly yours

Peter H Bloecker

Author and Blogger


Super Ager

Im Alter selbstständig, geistig und körperlich gesund zu bleiben – das ist möglich. Ratschläge gibt es viele. Forscher verraten drei Faktoren, auf die es wirklich ankommt.

More here sooner or later …

Time is it!

Kindly yours from OZ

P H Bloecker


Music Is The Language

What is your favorite genre of music?

Blues followed by County | honest and pure … And Music from Heart & Soul.

Bob Dylan started with Hank Williams and US Blues reflects the Soul of US Country Folks.

Music Is The Language


Daniel Levitin’s book, “This Is Your Brain on Music,” explores the intricate relationship between music and the brain. Levitin, a cognitive neuroscientist, delves into how music is processed in the brain and its profound impact on our emotions, behavior, and memory.

  • Elements of Music: Levitin explains fundamental components like pitch, rhythm, tempo, timbre, harmony, and melody.
  • Neuroscience of Music: The book discusses how these elements are interpreted by the brain, linking them to neuroanatomy and cognitive psychology.
  • Evolutionary Perspective: Levitin argues that music played a crucial role in human evolution, aiding in social bonding and communication.
  • Cognitive Models: The book examines how music exploits cognitive processes such as categorization and expectation.

Levitin’s work makes complex scientific concepts accessible, showing how deeply intertwined music is with our cognitive and emotional lives.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 06/07/2024
More via Wikipedia.

Backyard | Credit phb
Mural Miami QLD ~ credit phb
Wet and windy and cold | Gold Coast | Credit phb
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Last Light 17:06 QLD Miami | Credit phb

For a better tomorrow …

Good | Different.

Kindly yours

P H Bloecker

Author & Active Blogger.



John F. Kennedy and Frank Sinatra had a complex and multifaceted relationship that evolved over time. Initially, they shared a mutual admiration and friendship that was beneficial to both. Sinatra was instrumental in supporting Kennedy’s presidential campaign, even changing the lyrics of his song “High Hopes” to promote JFK’s candidacy². They both enjoyed the company of celebrities and were known for their charm and charisma.

Sinatra’s influence was used to attract other high-profile entertainers to support Kennedy, and he organized a pre-inauguration gala that was a significant event¹. Their friendship, however, began to strain due to Sinatra’s alleged connections with the Mafia, which became a concern for Kennedy, especially given his brother Robert’s aggressive campaign against organized crime⁵.

The breaking point in their relationship came when Sinatra had a private suite and helipad built at his home in anticipation of a visit by the president. However, due to the advice of Robert Kennedy and the potential political fallout from Sinatra’s mob associations, the visit was canceled, and the friendship suffered⁵. Sinatra was said to have taken a sledgehammer to the helipad after the snub by the president⁴.


Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/7/2024
(1) Frank Sinatra and John F. Kennedy Had One of the Most Powerful ….
(2) John F. Kennedy, Frank Sinatra Friendship –
(3) Frank Sinatra Was Nearly the Target of a Mafia Hit Because of a Failure ….
(4) Frank Sinatra Took a Sledgehammer to JFK’s Helipad After a Snub by the ….
(5) John F. Kennedy and Frank Sinatra connection explored – IrishCentral.
(6) undefined.

Watching an SBS program on Sinatra and J F Kennedy and the final part: Assassination in Dallas.

The son of Sinatra was kidnapped directly after Kennedy was shot!


Frank Sinatra Jr., was indeed taken hostage in a kidnapping incident. On December 8, 1963, Frank Sinatra Jr., who was just beginning his music career, was performing at Harrah’s Club Lodge in Lake Tahoe when he was abducted by a group of amateur criminals¹. The kidnappers were Barry Keenan and Joe Amsler, who had been plotting the crime for several weeks, aiming to demand a hefty ransom from Sinatra Sr.

The abduction took place just days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, adding to the national atmosphere of shock and turmoil. Sinatra Jr. was taken from his dressing room at gunpoint, and the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $240,000¹. Frank Sinatra Sr. complied with the demand, and the ransom was paid through a drop between two school buses in Sepulveda, California¹.

The kidnappers, however, became anxious and decided to release Sinatra Jr. after just over two days. He was found unharmed, walking through Bel Air, and was quickly brought to his mother Nancy’s home to avoid the press². The FBI was involved in the case, and the ransom money was tracked, leading to the arrest of the kidnappers¹.

The incident was highly publicized and became one of the most infamous kidnappings in American history. It also sparked rumors and conspiracy theories, but ultimately, it was a traumatic event for the Sinatra family, and Frank Sinatra Jr. continued his career in music after the ordeal¹².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/7/2024
(1) Frank Sinatra, Jr., Kidnapping — FBI.
(2) The Bizarre And Terribly Executed Kidnapping Of Frank Sinatra Jr..
(3) The Kidnapping of Frank Sinatra Jr – BBC.
(4) Read a Letter From Frank Sinatra That Illustrates His Thoughts … – PBS.
(5) Inside Frank Sinatra’s Son’s 1963 Kidnapping – SheKnows.

Mudgeeraba Village

Mudgee Village | Gold Coast | Credit phb

Found a very nice old style bookshop with coffee and reading corners: Very special selection, indeed.

More here soon about Mudgee Community and the Village, very special and off the Beaches.

Easy access via M 1 Motorway.

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What is Healing?

About Kinesiology

Art Therapy

Reiki Master Energy

And more here …


Kinesiology is a holistic approach to health that focuses on the body’s movement and muscle function. It uses muscle monitoring, also known as biofeedback, to identify imbalances that may be contributing to disease or discomfort. The goal is to detect and correct these imbalances, which can be related to stress, nutrition, or minor injuries or trauma.

The practice of kinesiology is rooted in chiropractic and applied kinesiology, and it incorporates principles from traditional Chinese medicine, such as the concept of chi energy. Techniques used in kinesiology may include acupressure, lymphatic massage, hypertonic muscle release, attention to reflex points, and nutritional advice.

Kinesiologists believe that by addressing unresolved stress reactions and promoting the body’s natural healing process, they can improve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

However, it’s important to note that kinesiology is not used to diagnose disorders and should be complemented with conventional medical treatment when necessary.

So finding the right professional advice is always key!

Chi energy, known as Qi in Chinese and Prana in Indian traditions, is considered a vital life force that flows through all living beings. It’s believed to be the essence that animates the body and mind, providing health, vitality, and well-being.

In Chinese culture, Qi is a fundamental concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), martial arts, and Taoism. It’s thought to be the energy that flows through the body along pathways called meridians. Practices like acupuncture, tai chi, and qigong are designed to balance and enhance the flow of Qi for better health.

Mural at Miami Gold Coast Queensland OZ | Credit phb

Indian tradition also holds Prana in high regard. It’s described in ancient texts like the Vedas and Upanishads as the primal force of life. Pranayama, a practice of breath control in yoga, is one way to cultivate Prana. It’s believed that by regulating the breath, one can influence the flow of Prana and thus improve physical and mental health.

Both Qi and Prana are seen as energies that can be harnessed for healing and maintaining balance within the body. They are also associated with spiritual practices aimed at achieving harmony with the universe.

Usui Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It’s based on the idea that a universal life force energy flows through all living things and that imbalances in this energy can lead to physical, emotional, or mental health issues. The healing process involves a practitioner channeling this energy into the recipient to promote balance and well-being⁶.

The benefits of Usui Reiki and Reiki healing in general include:

  • Relief from pain, anxiety, and fatigue: Reiki may help reduce these symptoms, which can be particularly beneficial for those undergoing medical treatments or experiencing stress¹.
  • Improvement in mood: Reiki treatments have been associated with improved mood and feelings of relaxation¹.
  • Enhanced quality of life: Patients have reported better sleep patterns, increased self-confidence, and reduced depression levels after Reiki sessions¹.
  • Support for the immune system: By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, Reiki may help stimulate the body’s natural healing processes³.
  • Pain relief: Some studies suggest that Reiki can be effective in managing pain, especially when used alongside conventional treatments¹.

It’s important to note that while many people report positive experiences with Reiki, scientific research on its effectiveness is still ongoing. However, it is widely used as a complementary therapy to support overall health and well-being.

Connecting with the Universe and your ancestors in your own way – either by prayers or meditation or other means is absolutely your own decision, and you might as well believe this all is complete non sense. The choice is yours …

More here soon …

By Author and Blogger

Peter H Bloecker





God is dead! And what is your Religion?

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Leonard Cohen

Night Is On

Just trying to slow it down …

17 Jun 1953

Another historic day of 2 German States after WW2 and the uprising of the Bln people against Soviet Tanks!

Later same story in Hungary!

And Prague! Now in the Ukraine!

The Volksaufstand in East Berlin on June 17, 1953, was a significant uprising against the government of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). It began with strikes by construction workers in East Berlin on June 16, protesting against work quotas during the Sovietization process. The next day, the demonstrations escalated into a widespread uprising involving over one million people across about 700 localities in the country.

The protesters demanded political and economic changes, including the resignation of the government, free elections, and the release of all political prisoners. The uprising was marked by a wave of strikes, mass demonstrations, and political protests. It was one of the largest revolutionary movements in Germany’s history and had a profound impact on the long-term development of the GDR.

The Soviet Union responded by sending troops to suppress the uprising, resulting in violent clashes and numerous casualties. The event is remembered as a pivotal moment in German history and is commemorated as Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of German Unity) in Germany.

Haus der Geschichte


Haus Europa

Heribert Prantl via SZ App

Dieses Europa hat so viele Mütter und Väter, so viele Dichter und Denker, die es geprägt haben: Perikles und Paulus, Calderon und Caravaggio, Erasmus und Luther; Franz von Assisi, Theresa von Avila und Hildegard von Bingen; Mozart und Marx; Dante, Dostojewski und Simone de Beauvoir; Leonardo da Vinci, Richard Löwenherz und Hannah Arendt. Der europäische Staat, so er noch entsteht, kommt also nicht aus dem Nichts, er kommt aus der Fülle; er ist, er wäre der Höhepunkt der europäischen Geschichte. „Machten wir eine Bilanz unseres geistigen Besitzes auf, so würde sich herausstellen, dass das meiste davon nicht unserem jeweiligen Vaterland, sondern dem gemeinsamen europäischen Fundus entstammt. Vier Fünftel unserer inneren Habe sind europäisches Gemeingut“ – so hat das der spanische Philosoph José Ortega y Gasset beschrieben. Das Europaparlament arbeitet auf diesem Fundament.

My Boots

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

They are made for walking, and I bought them 20 years ago!

Had to replace the sole three times, but hand made and weekly polished, these boots are made for Life

Keep on Walking, boots …

From Gold Coast QLD with my best wishes


P H Bloecker

My Aussie Brazilian Family | Credit phb
From my Bookshelf | Credit phb

Thinking and Languages

Just imagine these thoughts here connected with German and Russian or Chinese … Would there still be wars in the world? Having read NOAM CHOMSKY and …

Thinking and Languages
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Winter Garden GC QLD OZ | Credit phb
Screenshot phb | Beispiel Handwerk und Tradition in Deutschland am Beispiel The Knife, Solingen | FAZ
Screenshot FAZ Franz Guede | Credit phb
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Winter at the Gold Coast | Credit phb

Posted on a quiet winter day in QLD Australia Gold Coast on Sat 15 Jun 2024

By Author and Blogger

Peter H Bloecker


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Miami Marketta Night Markets | Credit phb
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