Rerik | Ostsee

Great weekend with my sister Antje in Rerik Baltic Sea

Truly Northern yours

P H Bloecker

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Church Rerik | Credit phb

Rollmops | Pickled Herring

Rollmops are a traditional appetizer from Berlin, Germany, consisting of pickled herring fillets that are rolled around ingredients such as gherkins, onion rings, or green olives¹². They are usually eaten cold, on their own or with bread, and are often served as part of a hangover breakfast². Rollmops are a way to preserve and transport fish, especially during meatless periods like Lent². They became popular in the 19th century, when the railway network allowed the herring from the North and Baltic seas to reach the interior of Germany².

Rollmops are considered a culinary experience by some people, who enjoy the tangy and salty flavor of the pickled fish and the crunchy texture of the vegetables. They are also a part of the German cultural heritage, as they reflect the history and geography of the country. Rollmops can be found in many supermarkets, delis, and pubs in Germany, as well as in other countries like England and Poland¹². Some people like to make their own rollmops at home, using fresh or frozen herring and their preferred fillings and seasonings³⁴..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 08/01/2024
(1) Rollmops | Traditional Appetizer From Berlin, Germany – TasteAtlas.
(2) Rollmops – Wikipedia.
(3) What Are Rollmops? (with pictures) – Delighted Cooking.
(4) What Is The Difference Between Rollmops And Pickled Herring?.


Zeit plus Reise plus Kinder | Zeitreisen | Lesen und Literatur | Bildung

Was macht die ZEIT mit uns?


(Draft only):

There is no definitive answer to what the future of humanity will look like in 1000 years, as it depends on many factors, such as technological, social, environmental, and biological changes. However, based on some current trends and projections, we can imagine some possible scenarios. Here are some of them:

  • Cybernetic: In this scenario, humans will become more integrated with machines and artificial intelligence, enhancing their physical and mental capabilities. Humans will be able to augment their senses, memories, emotions, and skills with implants, devices, and interfaces. They will also be able to upload their minds to digital platforms, creating virtual realities and immortality. ¹²
  • Genetic: In this scenario, humans will use biotechnology and genetic engineering to modify their own DNA and create new forms of life. Humans will be able to alter their appearance, health, lifespan, and intelligence. They will also be able to create new species and hybrids, such as human-animal chimeras, designer babies, and clones. ³⁴
  • Cosmic: In this scenario, humans will expand their presence and exploration beyond Earth, colonizing other planets and moons in the solar system and beyond. Humans will use advanced rockets, spacecraft, and habitats to adapt to different environments and resources. They will also encounter and communicate with extraterrestrial life forms, if they exist. ⁵

These are some of the possible scenarios for the future of humanity in 1000 years. Of course, there are many other factors and uncertainties that could affect the outcome, such as wars, disasters, ethics, and values. The future is not predetermined, but rather shaped by the choices and actions of humans today. 🌎.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/1/2024
(1) Future evolution: from looks to brains and personality, how will humans ….
(2) Timeline of the far future – Wikipedia.
(3) Where Will Humanity Be In The Next 1000 Years? – Future Space World.
(4) The Exciting Future of Humanity: Exploring 1,000 Years of Progress.
(5) The future of human evolution | Ask An Anthropologist.

Happy New Year

From Hamburg, I am sending my best wishes for the year to come …. may peace come back as soon as possible, and may your wishes and dreams come true!

This past year was not a very good one in many ways:

People have become afraid and worried about the future.

Too many bad news day by day: I did not even follow any news, I just read some summaries on the net.

Meeting your family and friends over Christmas is a real chance getting away from this all: Take a rest and settle down.

Enjoy the love of your family and friends, and breathe in and out consciously, and hope for a better year to come.

I just walked through the backyards in the North of Hamburg, and visited my mother in a small country town: She is now 97 years old, and she emembers the years after the second world war from 1945 on:

My father still a POW in France for two years until 1947: A young soldier and officer, who was forced into the war zones in Ukraine in 1944, only 20 years old, one of the few young soldiers surviving this terrible war killing millions of people in Europe.

Hope dies last became a motto for the rest of his life.

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Give Peace A Chance (In Memory Of John Lennon).

With my best wishes from the True North Of Germany

Between The Horizons

Kindly yours

Peter H Bloecker


Baumschulen | Tannen | Credit phb

Music Is The Language

Mark Knopfler

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Im Norden von Hamburg:

Was sind Baumschulen – Schulen fuer Baueme?

Find out about Baumschulen Raum Hamburg / Pinneberg / the largest and unique Baumschulen in Europe!

Unter Baumschule ist nach der Definition in Der Große Brockhaus eine „Betriebsform zur Anzucht von Freilandgehölzen, oft auch Stauden“ zu verstehen.

Als Baumschule bezeichnet man erwerbsmäßig bewirtschaftete Anbauflächen für Bäume, Sträucher, Rosen (Ziergehölze), Obstgehölze und Forstpflanzen. Die Baumschule ist eine Untergruppierung des Gartenbaus und gehört nicht zur klassischen Feldwirtschaft oder der Forstwirtschaft.


Walking 10 km from some Baumschulen back to the North Of Hamburg / Kreis Pinneberg / Not far from Waldenau, where my mother Annita (now 97 years old) started her career as a school teacher at the age of 14 yrs – far away from her Home, a farm near RD – in the middle of Holstein, between North Sea and Baltic.

Last day of the Year 2023.

May the New Year 2024 bring Peace for us all.

Friede Auf Erden.

From The True North Of Germany

With my best and sincere wishes yours

Peter H Bloecker, Director Of Studies

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More > Hanns unterwegs


Hermann Hesse: Der Steppenwolf und mehr …


Guten Rutsch!
Guten Rutsch!

Tanz (SZ App)

Sylvester Abend ARD und ZDF

Nach 10 Minuten schalte ich ARD und ZDF aus, finde aber Tina Turner auf 3 Sat | No 1 of course | Der Abend zuhause ist gerettet!

Junge Leute auf der Bühne am Brandenburger Tor ohne jede Stimme, und alte Männer in der ARD Sylvester Show | das muss ich nicht haben 🙁

Happy New Year from Hamburg, yours

Peter H Bloecker


Let’s groove

An Silvester werden die alten Sorgen weggetanzt. Aber was passiert im Körper eigentlich genau bei Walzer oder Techno? Über Glücksgefühle, Modetänze und Inspiration für die Partygarderobe.

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Merry Christmas

With my best wishes and greetings yours P H Bloecker

Holy Mother, Hear My Cry ….

Clapton & Pavarotti Live


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My Mother 97 Dec 2023 | Credit phb
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Building Schools and Bridges | Stop the Bloody Wars | Love instead of HATE …

Peace for the years to come …

From the True North Of Germany with my best wishes kindly yours

P H Bloecker. > Profile


Music Is The Language


This is one of the best interviews on Music I have ever seen …

You do not have explain anything about music, it just speaks for itself.

Why Music is the Language is well explained here …


Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 – 1831) on history.

Hegel, one of the most influential of the modern philosophers, described history as the progress in the consciousness of freedom, asking whether we enjoy more freedom now than those who came before us. To explore this, he looked into the past to identify periods when freedom was moving from the one to the few to the all, arguing that once we understand the true nature of freedom we reach an endpoint in understanding. That end of history, as it’s known, describes an understanding of freedom so far progressed, so profound, that it cannot be extended or deepened even if it can be lost.

With Sally Sedgwick Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Boston University Robert Stern Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield And Stephen Houlgate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick.


BBC – One of the most iconic series reaches 1000

On Thorstein Veblen (USA)


The Thorstein Veblen chapter is one of the biographies that Dos Passos intersperses in his U.S.A. trilogy, along with other historical figures such as Woodrow Wilson, Henry Ford, and Frank Lloyd Wright³. The chapter appears in the third and final novel of the trilogy, The Big Money⁴, which covers the period from the end of World War I to the stock market crash of 1929⁵.

The chapter traces the life and career of Thorstein Veblen, an economist and sociologist who was known for his critique of capitalism and consumerism. Veblen coined the term “conspicuous consumption” to describe the wasteful spending of the wealthy class to display their status and power⁵. He also advocated for a more democratic and cooperative economic system, based on the principles of science and technology⁵.

The chapter portrays Veblen as a brilliant but eccentric thinker, who often clashed with the academic establishment and the political elites. He was also a restless and unhappy man, who had two failed marriages and several affairs. He moved from one university to another, and finally settled in a farm in California, where he died in 1929⁵.

The chapter reflects Dos Passos’ admiration for Veblen’s ideas and his sympathy for his personal struggles. It also shows how Veblen’s vision of a rational and progressive society was contrasted with the reality of the roaring twenties, a decade of greed, corruption, and inequality that eventually led to the Great Depression⁵..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 18/11/2023
(1) U.S.A.: The 42nd Parallel / 1919 / The Big Money – Goodreads.
(2) The Big Money (U.S.A., #3) by John Dos Passos | Goodreads.
(3) U.S.A. – Library of America – LOA.
(4) U.S.A. (trilogy) – Wikipedia. (5) U.S.A. | 1920s, Depression & Modernism | Britannica. (6)


The Henry Ford chapter is another biography that Dos Passos includes in his U.S.A. trilogy, along with other historical figures such as Woodrow Wilson, Henry Ford, and Thorstein Veblen³. The chapter appears in the first novel of the trilogy, The 42nd Parallel⁴, which covers the period from the turn of the century to the end of World War I⁵.

The chapter depicts the life and career of Henry Ford, an industrialist and inventor who revolutionized the automobile industry with his mass production methods and his Model T car. Ford was a self-made man who rose from humble origins to become one of the richest and most influential men in America. He was also a visionary who believed in the social benefits of his innovations, such as higher wages, shorter working hours, and consumerism. He also supported various causes, such as pacifism, education, and philanthropy⁵.

The chapter portrays Ford as a complex and contradictory figure, who was both admired and criticized for his achievements and views. He was a pioneer of modern capitalism, but also a critic of the financial system and the war machine. He was a champion of democracy, but also a paternalistic and authoritarian boss. He was a generous benefactor, but also a ruthless competitor and a notorious anti-Semite⁵.

The chapter reflects Dos Passos’ ambivalence towards Ford and his impact on American society. It also shows how Ford’s vision of a prosperous and harmonious society was challenged by the realities of the 1920s, a decade of social unrest, labor conflicts, and cultural changes⁵.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 18/11/2023
(1) The Big Money | Introduction & Overview –
(2) The U.S.A. Trilogy by John Dos Passos – Goodreads.
(3) U.S.A.: The 42nd Parallel / 1919 / The Big Money by John Dos Passos ….
(4) U.S.A. (trilogy) – Wikipedia.
(5) The Big Money |


The Woodrow Wilson chapter is another biography that Dos Passos includes in his U.S.A. trilogy, along with other historical figures such as Thorstein Veblen, Henry Ford, and Frank Lloyd Wright³. The chapter appears in the second novel of the trilogy, Nineteen Nineteen, which covers the period from the end of World War I to the Treaty of Versailles.

The chapter depicts the life and career of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States, who led the nation into the war and tried to shape the peace. Wilson was a scholar and a reformer, who championed the ideals of democracy, progressivism, and internationalism. He was also a stubborn and idealistic leader, who faced opposition and criticism from both domestic and foreign enemies. He suffered a stroke in 1919, which left him partially paralyzed and isolated.

The chapter portrays Wilson as a tragic and heroic figure, who was betrayed by his own allies and adversaries. He failed to persuade the U.S. Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations, which he considered his greatest achievement and the hope for a lasting peace. He also failed to secure the rights and interests of the oppressed peoples of the world, such as the Irish, the Armenians, and the Chinese. He died in 1924, a broken and disillusioned man.

The chapter reflects Dos Passos’ mixed feelings towards Wilson and his impact on American and world history. It also shows how Wilson’s vision of a new world order was challenged by the realities of the 1920s, a decade of isolationism, nationalism, and imperialism.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 18/11/2023
(1) Mr. Wilson’s War: From the Assassination of McKinley to….
(2) U.S.A. (trilogy) – Wikipedia.
(3) 1919 (U.S.A., #2) by John Dos Passos | Goodreads.


The Frank Lloyd Wright chapter is another biography that Dos Passos includes in his U.S.A. trilogy, along with other historical figures such as Thorstein Veblen, Henry Ford, and Woodrow Wilson³. The chapter appears in the third novel of the trilogy, The Big Money, which covers the period from the end of World War I to the stock market crash of 1929.

The chapter depicts the life and career of Frank Lloyd Wright, an architect and designer who was known for his innovative and organic style of building. Wright was a rebel and a visionary, who challenged the conventions and traditions of his profession and society. He was also a charismatic and controversial figure, who had a turbulent personal life and a scandalous affair with a married woman. He created some of the most iconic and influential structures of the 20th century, such as Fallingwater, the Guggenheim Museum, and Taliesin.

The chapter portrays Wright as a creative and courageous genius, who was driven by his passion and ambition. He faced many difficulties and setbacks, such as fires, lawsuits, debts, and critics. He also inspired many admirers and followers, who recognized his originality and talent. He died in 1959, a legend and a pioneer of modern architecture.

The chapter reflects Dos Passos’ appreciation for Wright and his impact on American culture and aesthetics. It also shows how Wright’s vision of a harmonious and humanistic society was contrasted with the reality of the 1920s, a decade of materialism, corruption, and decadence..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 18/11/2023
(1) The Big Money |
(2) U.S.A. (trilogy) – Wikipedia. (3) U.S.A. – Library of America – LOA. (4)


The Great Depression period in the 1930s in the US was a time of severe economic hardship and social turmoil. It was caused by a combination of factors, such as:

  • The stock market crash of 1929, which wiped out billions of dollars of wealth and triggered a wave of panic and sell-offs. ¹²
  • The banking crises of 1930 and 1931, which resulted in the collapse of thousands of banks and the loss of millions of deposits. ¹²
  • The decline of consumer demand and industrial production, which led to massive unemployment, deflation, and overproduction. ¹²³
  • The drought and dust storms of the 1930s, which devastated the agricultural sector and displaced millions of farmers. ¹²
  • The failure of the international monetary system, which was based on the gold standard and hindered the ability of countries to adjust their exchange rates and trade balances. ¹²

The effects of the Great Depression were felt across all sectors and regions of the US, as well as the rest of the world. Some of the effects were:

  • The rise of poverty and homelessness, as millions of people lost their jobs, homes, and savings. ¹²³
  • The increase of social unrest and protest movements, such as the Bonus Army, the Hoovervilles, and the labor strikes. ¹²
  • The emergence of new political and economic policies, such as the New Deal, which aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American people and the economy. ¹²³
  • The growth of cultural and artistic expressions, such as the literature, music, and photography of the 1930s, which reflected the realities and challenges of the era. ¹²
  • The involvement of the US in World War II, which boosted the economy and ended the Great Depression. ¹²³

Source: Conversation with Bing, 18/11/2023
(1) Great Depression | Definition, History, Dates, Causes, Effects, & Facts ….
(2) Great Depression: Years, Facts & Effects | HISTORY.
(3) The Great Depression: Overview, Causes, and Effects – Investopedia.
(4) Great Depression Timeline: 1929–1941 – The Balance.


The New Deal

The New Deal was a series of policies and programs that were enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression of the 1930s. The New Deal aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American people and the economy. Some of the main goals of the New Deal were to stabilize the banking system, regulate the stock market, create jobs, support farmers, protect workers’ rights, and establish social security. ¹²³

The New Deal had various impacts on the US, both positive and negative. Some of the positive impacts were:

  • It restored confidence and trust in the government and the financial system. The New Deal created agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to protect depositors and investors from bank failures and fraud. ¹²
  • It reduced unemployment and poverty. The New Deal created millions of jobs through public works projects such as the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). These projects improved the infrastructure, environment, and culture of the nation. The New Deal also provided direct relief to the needy through programs such as the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) and the Social Security Act (SSA). ¹²³
  • It promoted economic growth and stability. The New Deal implemented fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate the economy and prevent deflation. The New Deal also introduced regulations and reforms to prevent another economic crisis, such as the Glass-Steagall Act, the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). ¹²³

Some of the negative impacts were:

  • It increased the size and power of the federal government. The New Deal expanded the role and scope of the federal government in the economy and society, which raised concerns about the constitutional limits and the balance of power between the states and the federal government. Some critics argued that the New Deal violated the principles of free enterprise, individual liberty, and states’ rights. ¹²
  • It faced legal and political challenges. The New Deal encountered opposition and resistance from various groups, such as business owners, conservatives, and the Supreme Court. Some of the New Deal laws and programs were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, such as the NIRA and the AAA. Some of the New Deal policies and actions were also criticized and challenged by Congress, such as the court-packing plan and the purge of the Democratic Party. ¹²
  • It did not end the Great Depression. The New Deal alleviated some of the symptoms and effects of the Great Depression, but it did not address the underlying causes and structural problems of the economy. The New Deal also failed to achieve full employment and sustained growth. The economy experienced another recession in 1937-1938, and it was not until the outbreak of World War II that the US economy fully recovered from the Great Depression. ¹²³.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 18/11/2023
(1) New Deal | Causes and Effects | Britannica.
(2) The Economic Effects of the New Deal – Investopedia.
(3) FDR’s New Deal: Definition, Programs, Policies – The Balance.
(4) Getty Images.

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