



cui bono

Warum alles ein Ende hat (ausser Wurst, die bekanntlich zwei hat). End of the Red Green Yellow Project in Berlin (Ampel).

King Olaf fires The Yellow (liberal) Prince Christian Lindner. (FDP)

The Green Prince Robert stays at the Court (Berlin).

Annalena, the Green Princess, is abroad or on the Plane.

Now the Narratives and Confusion and Stories at the Court following the Shakespearian Concept: 

Who betrayed whom?

Whose Head was on the Block and why?

Treason and more like Macbeth and other great plays.

We shall see …

No Drama.

Only Politics, while the rest of the world moves on.

Our Globe is still rotating.

The Sun Also Rises.

Like before not possible,

Green now with Merz (Black)?

Yellow (Liberals) will certainly try to survive the next election in early 2025 in Germany, and then try again with CDU / CSU (Merz).

Interesting indeed, plus the new Trump Government (USA).

Exciting, in fact.

Peace now in sight with Putin and Peace in Palastine as well, once Hamas and other Terrorists have been crushed.

Hopefully once and for all.

Kindly yours from the Gold Coast in Queensland

Peter H Bloecker


Updated Thu 7 Nov 2024 at 09:19am.


FDP und Lindner, der unzuverlässige Partner




I am not so much interested who wins the US elections in 2024, but rather why people there vote Trump at all.

In any Democracy the Majority of the population (The People) vote the Government they deserve.


Electorate and Popular Votes

The Blue Wall States

Is the Blue Wall going to hold?

I find the discourse and comments on the US elections 2024 very interesting, for various reasons.

What is Democracy?

Democracy is coming to the USA (Leonard Cohen)

Music Is The Language

What are the expectations?

Why this Hype before and trend analysis?

My vote would be Kamala Harris, but one vote in millios of votes does not count at all. Only the total numbers are of any relevance counted in per cent.

Not voting is a vote: Like I had no time or would not know who to vote for.

Voting in Australia is compulsory, Pflicht , for many good reasons: The more votes the clearer the popular view. like 100 % have voted and 52 voted for Trump and 48 for Harris: This would be a very clear popular vote.

This does not mean, 48 % of the voters would be happy, but they would accept they lost.

The majority is not always rigt.

Only the Ocean is right, always right.

So why would people vote for Trump at all?

What are Swing States?

I would contact people in the country and ask them why Trump?

The answer would be more or less: We know what he stands for. We would neither agree with his behaviour nor his views.

But he sends out clear messages, he would not deceive us.

Do we know what Harris stands for?

The answer would be rather a clear NO.

Has she performed during the campaign? In fact Biden has not performed, and she had to replace him suddenly.

Was she a good Vice President?

No clue, in fact!

And she is a city person.

We do not like and trust people there in the Big Cities.

Brisbane in Queensland is called The Big Smoke.

Elon Musk und Trump und Zuck und Cäsar

Trump und Putin

Comment from Munich before Election Day in SZ App | Author Heribert Prantl: (Example)

 Die Lüge war und ist für Trump das Mittel für den Machterwerb. (Macht)

Schwindel, Betrug, Fälschung, Unverschämtheiten: Das alles hat es seit jeher in der großen und kleinen Politik immer wieder gegeben – aber selten so dreist, so unverfroren, so alltäglich und drecksfrech wie bei Trump.

(Trumpet Trump)

Zwar hat schon Niccolò Machiavelli vor fünfhundert Jahren das Lob der Lüge gesungen. Er war der politische Philosoph, der lehrte, dass zur Erlangung oder Erhaltung politischer Macht jedes Mittel erlaubt sei, unabhängig von Recht und Moral: Wer ein großer Mann werden wolle, der müsse ein „gran simulatore e dissimulatore“ werden, ein großer Lügner und Heuchler. 

(SIC!) = SICK!!!

Man hatte bisher gedacht, das sei in Demokratien anders, man hatte gedacht, dass in Demokratien die Lüge den Lügner immer schneller einholt.

Trump widerlegt diese These! (Bisher)!

Dem Mann gebührt nicht die Wiederwahl, sondern die Verdammung seines Angedenkens.

Aber einen gewissen Dank hat sich selbst der Trompeter Trump verdient:

(Was lernt ein Krieger des Lichts von seinem ärgsten Feind?)

Trump hat den bequemen Glauben daran zerstört, dass Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in den Kernstaaten der sogenannten freien Welt sich, und sei es auch nur langsam Step by Step, quasi weiterentwickeln zur Wahrheit hin.

Das Sichergeglaubte ist nicht sicher, weil Aufklärung nicht ein einmaliges und immer bleibendes Ereignis darstellt.

Aufklärung ist immer notwendig.

Immer und nicht nur manchmal oder von Zeit zu Zeit:

Immer wieder neu!

Wie notwendig sie ist, zeigt die Faszination, die ein Dauer-Lügner wie Trump auf eine Vielzahl von Wählerinnen und Wählern ausübt.

Vor 240 Jahren, im September 1784, hat Immanuel KANT einen seiner berühmtesten Sätze zu Papier gebracht: “Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit”. 

Der Hype um Donald Trump zeigt heute oder morgen, wie wichtig dieser Ausgang noch und gerade im Herbst 2024 ist.

This Text was copied from my SZ App and the Author is Heribert PRANTL.

Adapted and re – edited by myself.

Ver – dichtung.

Die Wahrheit kommt immer ans Licht!

On Sundays Maria Ines and myself love to explore our Backyard stretching from the Southern Gold Coast to the Northern Rivers and the Tweed Valley to Byron Bay and the Byron Shire or Hinterland:

Many people and tourists do not have the time to explore the Hidden Valleys, they rather prefer the Gold Coast Beaches and the Bars and Restaurants and Parks.

As a man from the Country, I tend to explore the Farms with Animals and Vegetation and Crops and always come back to Farm Life and Country People for many reasons:

Country people are generally said different from City People.


This is another smart question…

Kindly yours from the Gold Coast plus it’s Hinterland wishing my reader a good and successful week

Peter H Bloecker

Retired Director Of Education

Truly Northern & born between the Horizons

Of Denmark and Hamburg and North Sea and Baltic Sea (From Kiel in S – H).

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Maria Ines | Credit phb
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Byron Bay | Credit phb
At Byron Beach Hotel | Credit phb

Wir leben in spannenden Zeiten …das ist sicher!

We all live in disruptive days for sure!

Certain is only uncertainty.

Carpe Diem!

Family First!

Education Second!

In a Nutshell: Why does Donald Trump become the POTUS of the USA a second time?

In these days of Uncertainty and Disruptions the United States population has voted clearly for a strong and white Man: In these days a vote for a non – white woman in the White House?

Obviously not at present, Kamala Harris has performed in the big cities, however not enough in the Country and smaller towns and communities in the United States.

But one day, Democracy will come to the USA as well (Leonard Cohen)

And Music Is The Language.

Peter Hanns Bloecker, Director Of Studies (Retired)


Updated Wed 6 Nov 2024 at 15:39pm.+++++


Kopiert aus der SZ App

Sehr clever – indeed:

In seiner Rede sprang Trump von Thema zu Thema. Dass er jetzt hier stehe, nachdem es mutmaßlich zwei Anschlagsversuche auf ihn gab, sehe er als Zeichen. Er sagt: „Gott hat mein Leben verschont, damit ich unser Land rette und Amerika zu seiner Größe zurückführe. Und jetzt erfüllen wir diese Mission zusammen.“ In seiner Ansprache erwähnte Trump auch den Unternehmer Elon Musk, hob dessen Unterstützung heraus und lobte Musks Raumfahrt- und Satellitenfirmen, um die China und Russland ihn beneiden würden. Trump sagte, nun sei es an der Zeit, das, was die USA spalte, beiseitezulegen und zusammenzukommen, wie es schon während seiner ersten Amtszeit der Fall gewesen sei.


What will your life be like in three years?

Hmmm …

Not very different from now: I have managed 75 years successfully, and there may be 21 more years to come.

Or 7 or 14 …

Who knows?

I will be three years older and wiser for sure.

And reading and writing and blogging like in the last 21 years:

On Higher Education and Life Skills.

I might publish my first eBook …

Or even better: I might have published my first eBook successfully.

What do you think?

What is Time? How does it work? Tik Tok …

What does Time DO with us?

Read more about Cognitive Development

Now …


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What historical event fascinates you the most?

When leaving the German Army at the age of 21, I visited a seminar in History at the University in Kiel:

History is Bunk. Title of the book we read and discussed.

99% of the time the Lecturer was talking.

No questions were asked.

Students were listening and writing their notes, this I do remember.

After a few sessions I gave up studying History.

Before I had tried a session Law, but gave up as soon as possible.

The following semester I tried a few sessions of Social Studies or Politik und Wirtschaft.

I read a whole book and had to summarize it: The comments of my fellow students and the lecturer were more or less encouraging.

But I gave this school subject up as well!


Teaching how to read a book on Social Studies or how to read Newspapers was obviously not my key interest.

So what next? Medicine? Business?

I never gave up studying English Literature and Drama and British Studies, though.

More about my life as a student and teacher here soon …

Not easy what to study at all, there are many options, indeed.

From the Gold Coast living a good life in Retirement

Kindly yours

Peter H Bloecker



About us (Background)

Contact (Form)


Taking risks in life is pretty normal.

All it needs is a portion of self awareness and some courage.

What have you been working on?

As I am retired, I have time now to work on everything I have not been able to do before.

I can read and study and take notes and write for myself.

All this with a target: Experience Life as much as you can and be adventurous as well.

A bit if courage and outside the box and my bubble.

Getting to know myself as much as I can.

And appreciate sincere and honest feedback.

Not more, but not less either.

Hamburg 2024 | Credit phb
Banksy as seen in Hamburg | Credit phb
Screenshot & Stopover in Vietnam in Da Nang | Excellent Choice ~ phb
Street Art in George Town Penang | Credit phb
Screenshot | Back home now | Credit phb

The Name of the Rose

Historical fiction murder mystery set in an monastery in 14th century Italy Reading this book has been a long time coming. When I was in year 12, I …

The Name of the Rose

Only one of my favourite novels, Umberto Eco worked as a Linguist.

The film is quite well done with Sean Connery as the main actor and his young disciple …

Adaptions from Goethe: Der Zauberlehrling.

Kindly yours

Peter H Bloecker

Hoi An

All day visit of the old town centre of Hoi An from Da Nang, about 35 km away (one way).

There are hundreds of tourist shops along the river, however reaching the Local Market Area after a brief walk, I found the places where the locals meet and buy there food and shoes and more:

Again: One picture tells more than 1000 words.

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Bamboo Roots | Credit phb
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Silk Tailor | Credit phb
Very good Shop | Credit phb
Second Floor of Tailor Shop | Credit phb
River | Credit phb
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Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Vietnam, is renowned for its well-preserved ancient town that dates back to the 15th century. This charming town is a cultural melting pot, reflecting its historic role as a trading port. The narrow streets are lined with beautifully preserved architecture, showcasing influences from Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, and European styles.

Cultural highlights include the iconic Japanese Covered Bridge, traditional wooden houses, and vibrant temples like the Quan Cong Temple. The town is also famous for its colorful lanterns, traditional crafts, and bustling night market.

Hoi An’s rich heritage is not only in its buildings but also in its vibrant traditions, festivals, and culinary delights. The town is known for its unique cuisine, featuring dishes like Cao Lau and White Rose dumplings.

In a nutshell, Hoi An offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and scenic beauty, making it a must-visit destination for travelers.

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Peter Hanns Bloecker

Updated Thu 10 Oct 2024 at 15:54 pm local time.

Da Nang

Museum Da Nang The Cham People

Cham Museum Da Nang | Credit phb
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Dancing | Credit phb
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Da Nang Cham Museum | Credit phb

Read about the Cham People and their history and culture




Second Round in Da Nang near Beaches:

French Style Pain | Credit phb
Bread & Butter | Credit phb
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First Fine Art Museum on my First Day here:

& then the Street Market at Da Nang in Vietnam.

As of 2024, the population of Da Nang, Vietnam is estimated to be around 1,253,230⁷. This vibrant city is known for its beautiful beaches, historical sites, and as a major port city in central Vietnam.

As of 2024, the population of Hanoi, Vietnam is estimated to be around 8.59 million¹³. This bustling capital city is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful architecture.

As of 2024, the population of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is estimated to be around 9.57 million¹². This dynamic city, also known as Saigon, is the largest in Vietnam and is renowned for its vibrant street life, historical landmarks, and bustling economy.

Vietnam is still a communist country. It is one of the few remaining one-party communist states in the world, alongside China, North Korea, Laos, and Cuba¹². The Communist Party of Vietnam maintains strict control over the government and political expression.

Da Nang has a rich and diverse history that reflects its strategic importance and cultural heritage:

  1. Ancient Times: The city’s origins date back to the ancient kingdom of Champa, established in 192 AD. The Chams, an ethnic group in Vietnam, built many temples and structures in the region.
  2. Early Đại Việt Settlement: During the early Đại Việt period, the city was known as Cửa Hàn.
  3. French Colonial Era: In the 19th century, Da Nang was known as Tourane (or Turon) during French colonial rule. The French first landed in Da Nang in 1858, marking the beginning of their colonial influence in Vietnam.
  4. Vietnam War: Da Nang played a significant role during the Vietnam War. It was the site of a major U.S. air base and port facilities, which were expanded significantly during the 1960s.
  5. Modern Development: After the war, Da Nang continued to grow and develop. In 1997, it was separated from Quang Nam Province to become one of Vietnam’s five centrally controlled municipalities¹. Today, it is a major commercial and educational center in Central Vietnam, known for its beautiful beaches, modern infrastructure, and vibrant economy.

Da Nang’s history is a fascinating blend of ancient cultures, colonial influences, and modern development.

By Peter H Bloecker

Updated 9 Oct 2024.


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Street Market Da Nang | Credit phb
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Vietnam | Credit phb
The Brothers | Credit phb
Fine Arts Museum
Street Scene Da Nang | Credit phb
Da Nang Bridge | Credit phb
At the River | Credit phb
20:27 and warm & humid | Credit phb
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Hoi An |Credit phb

One full day in Hoi An


George Town, Penang

A rainy Day in a George Town Hotel, posted by Wonderweaver on Sat 5 Oct 2024.

Ernest Zach } Credit phb

Discovering the Heart of George Town, Penang

George Town is a charming colonial city nestled in Penang, Malaysia, and it has captivated my interest.

How? Well, just a bit of research online while preparing my flight back from Germany to my Australian Home Town, where I have retired with my wife and Brasilien Family since 2015.

Wandering its vibrant streets, one can’t help but feel a deep connection to its rich history and cultural tapestry, making it a perfect destination for a week-long adventure.

A Walk Through History

George Town’s historical roots date back to the British East India Company, which established the city as a trading post in 1786. This pivotal moment in history transformed the harbour town into a bustling hub of commerce and cultural exchange. The British Empire’s influence in Southeast Asia played a crucial role in shaping George Town. As part of the empire, George Town became a focal point for international trade, attracting merchants from Europe, India, China, and beyond.

The British colonial architecture, with its grand buildings and shophouses, stands as a testament to this era. The Fort Cornwallis, named after Charles Cornwallis, remains a prominent landmark, offering a glimpse into the city’s military and administrative past. The acquisition of Penang Island from the Sultanate of Kedah marked the beginning of British colonial rule in the region, forever intertwining George Town’s fate with the broader narrative of the British Empire.

Development and Multiculturalism

As George Town developed, it attracted merchants, traders, and settlers from various parts of the world, including India, China, and Europe. This influx of diverse populations led to a unique blend of cultures, traditions, and religions. The city’s architecture, cuisine, and festivals reflect this multicultural heritage, making George Town a vibrant and dynamic place for the locals plus tourists from all over the world: Many groups of young people chasing the street art in the old centre of the city.

Culinary Delights and Friendly Faces

The welcoming locals add a personal touch to every encounter. But it’s not just the people who make George Town special. The city’s culinary scene is a feast for the senses. From sizzling street food to aromatic local delicacies, every bite I have tried, is delicious, indeed. Whether it’s a plate of Char Kway Teow or a refreshing bowl of Cendol, the flavors are as diverse as the people who call this place home.

Street Art and Cultural Festivities

Art lovers will find themselves enchanted by the vibrant street art that adorns the walls of George Town. Murals by artists like Ernest Zacharevic bring the city’s history and everyday life to vivid life, offering a unique glimpse into its soul. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, George Town is a treasure trove of cultural landmarks and festivals. The lively celebrations, like Chinese New Year and Thaipusam, showcase the city’s rich heritage and the harmonious coexistence of different cultures and religions.

A Week of exploring and adventure

Spending a week in George Town is like stepping into a living museum, where every corner has a story to tell. The blend of historical significance, multicultural influences, and contemporary vibrancy makes it a destination like no other. Whether you’re exploring heritage sites, savoring street food, or simply soaking in the local atmosphere, George Town promises an unforgettable journey.

House of Street Art in George Town } Credit phb

George Town’s allure lies in its ability to weave the old with the new, the local with the global. It’s a place where history meets modernity, and where every visitor can find something to inspire and delight. In a nutshell, if you pack your bags and set out to discover the culture and history of George Town – you won’t regret it for sure.

One photo says more than 1000 words.

The Straw Dog } Credit phb
Door at the Blue Mansion | Credit phb
At the Jetty | Credit phb
Hard working people | Credit phb
Greetings from Banksy | Credit phb
Street Art in Kuala Lumpur | Credit phb
Banksy seen in Hamburg | Credit phb

Now at Penang Airport waiting to fly back to Kuala Lumpur.

Penang Airport | Credit phb

Updated on Mon 7 Oct 2024.


Written by Author and Blogger P H Bloecker.

Iconic Drawing

What skill would you like to learn?

Having followed Banksy (Bank System means Greed), I am exploring The Local Street Art Scene in George Town at present. More text and Photos via my Blogs on Higher Education.

With my best wishes from George Town kindly yours

P H Bloecker


Updated 2 Oc 2024

George Town | Credit phb
George Town | Credit phb
George Town | Credit phb

More here soon …


Street Art George Town | Credit phb
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Street Art George Town | Credit phb
Papaya | Credit phb
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Street Art George Town | Credit phb

The East India Company and the Cultural Heritage of George Town, Penang


George Town, the capital city of Penang, Malaysia, boasts a rich cultural heritage shaped significantly by the British East India Company. Established in 1786 by Captain Francis Light, George Town was initially a free port designed to facilitate trade between the East and the West A.

Historical Background

The East India Company, a powerful trading entity, sought to expand its influence in Southeast Asia B. Penang, with its strategic location along the Strait of Malacca, became an ideal spot for establishing a trading post C. The acquisition of Penang Island from the Sultanate of Kedah marked the beginning of British colonial rule in the region D.

Development and Multiculturalism

As George Town developed, it attracted merchants, traders, and settlers from various parts of the world, including India, China, and Europe C. This influx of diverse populations led to a unique blend of cultures, traditions, and religions E. The city’s architecture, cuisine, and festivals reflect this multicultural heritage, making George Town a vibrant and dynamic place.

World Heritage Site

In recognition of its historical and cultural significance, George Town was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008 C. This designation highlights the city’s role in the colonial history of Southeast Asia and its contribution to the region’s cultural diversity.


The legacy of the East India Company in George Town is evident in its streets, buildings, and the people who call it home. Exploring George Town offers a glimpse into the past and an appreciation for the multicultural tapestry that defines this historic city.

This article was created with the help of Copilot. Check the resources and get more information if interested.

Updated on Thu 3 Oct 2924

By P H Bloecker, retired Director of Education.

More via my Blogs on Higher Education including Contact and About.


More here soon, just follow me.

Stop Over KL and George Town

On my way home I’ve stopped over in Kuala Lumpur Down Town for 2 nights.

Pretty cool here and very very different from my Home in Queensland Australia and my background truly Northern!

Enjoy my photos and short updates from here in late Sep 2024.

Kuala Lumpur | Credit phb
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Motorcycles First | Credit phb
Down Town KL | Credit phb
My corner KL | Credit phb
Mural KL | Credit phb
Mural @KL | Credit phb
Mural seen at KL
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After a 1 h flight I have reached the city of George Town exploring its richness of colonial history and culture. My photos are selected and demonstrate the charm of this old town situated on the island of Penang.

George Town, the capital of Penang, Malaysia, boasts a rich history intertwined with its colonial past. Founded in 1786 by Captain Francis Light of the British East India Company, George Town was established as Fort Cornwallis. This strategic location quickly flourished as a vital port for ships traveling between India and China.

During the 19th century, George Town became a significant British settlement and briefly served as the capital of the Straits Settlements, which included Singapore and Malacca. The city’s colonial architecture, such as St. George’s Church and the restored Fort Cornwallis, stands as a testament to its historical significance.

In 2008, George Town’s cultural and architectural heritage was recognized by UNESCO, designating it a World Heritage Site¹. Today, the city is celebrated for its diverse cultural influences, colonial-era buildings, and vibrant street food scene.

George Town | Credit phb
Markets in the streets | Credit phb
Colonial Hotel | Credit phb
George Town | Credit phb
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First impression and what I like most here:

Endless renovation opportunities.


George Town & Street Art

George Town’s street art scene is vibrant and dynamic, making it one of the city’s most unique attractions. Here are some highlights:

Origins and Evolution

The street art movement in George Town began in earnest in 2012, during the George Town Festival. The Penang municipal council commissioned Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic to create a series of murals known as “Mirrors George Town”². These murals, depicting local life and culture, sparked a wave of creativity that transformed the city into an open-air gallery.

Types of Street Art

  1. Murals: Large, colorful murals adorn the walls of buildings throughout the city. Some of the most famous include “Boy on a Bike” and “Little Children on a Bicycle” by Zacharevic².
  2. Steel Rod Sculptures: Known as “Marking George Town,” these 52 cartoon-like steel rod sculptures depict historical anecdotes and local culture¹.
  3. Interactive Art: Many murals incorporate physical objects, inviting viewers to interact with the art. For example, “Brother and Sister on a Swing” features a real swing attached to the wall².

Popular Spots

  • Armenian Street: This street is home to some of the most iconic murals, including “Little Children on a Bicycle”².
  • Hin Bus Depot: An old bus depot turned art space, featuring rotating exhibitions and street art².
  • Chew Jetty: This waterfront area has several murals that reflect the daily life of the local Chinese community².

Exploring the Art

Walking tours are a popular way to explore George Town’s street art. Maps are available at local tourist offices, and many visitors enjoy discovering the art at their own pace¹.

¹: Nerd Nomads
²: Hungry Backpack

Thank you both sharing your photos and infos on your Travel Blogs.

Street Artist George Town | Credit phb
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Ernest Zacharevic: Transforming George Town’s Street Art Scene


Ernest Zacharevic, a Lithuanian artist, has left an indelible mark on the street art scene in George Town, Penang. His unique approach and captivating murals have not only beautified the city but also turned it into a global street art destination.

The Beginning

In 2012, Zacharevic was commissioned by the Penang municipal council to create a series of murals for the George Town Festival. This project, known as “Mirrors George Town,” aimed to celebrate the city’s rich cultural heritage and attract more tourists¹.

Signature Style

Zacharevic’s art is characterized by its interactive nature and the use of local elements. His murals often incorporate real objects, creating a blend of two-dimensional and three-dimensional art. Notable works include “Little Children on a Bicycle” and “Boy on a Bike,” which have become iconic symbols of George Town².

Impact on George Town

Zacharevic’s murals have significantly boosted tourism in George Town. Visitors from around the world flock to the city to see his work, contributing to the local economy. His success has also inspired other artists to create their own street art, further enriching the city’s cultural landscape³.

Global Influence

Beyond George Town, Zacharevic’s influence extends globally. His work has been compared to that of Banksy, and he continues to receive international acclaim. His murals can be found in various cities around the world, each reflecting his distinctive style and social commentary⁴.


Ernest Zacharevic’s contribution to George Town’s street art scene is profound. His innovative murals have not only transformed the city’s visual landscape but also positioned it as a must-visit destination for art lovers. Through his work, Zacharevic has shown how street art can celebrate local culture and engage communities on a global scale.

¹: Nerd Nomads
²: This Girl Abroad
³: Wikipedia
⁴: Yatzer


Source: Conversation with Copilot, 1/10/2024
(1) The Ultimate Guide To The Street Art Of George Town, Penang.
(2) George Town Street Art: Ernest Zacharevic’s art installation in Penang.
(3) Ernest Zacharevic – Wikipedia.
(4) Fascinating Street Art by Ernest Zacharevic – Yatzer.

Street Art George Town | Credit phb
House of Street Art | Credit phb
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Author and Blogger P H Bloecker


Colours in George Town 1st Oct 2024 | Credit phb

Follow me here & more photos & text before getting home again.

Updated on Tue 1 Oct 2024 by Blogger

Peter H Bloecker


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