
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

I have decided to keep my desk tidy and neat and clean: And one place in my house, where I can read and relax and think! This is the place where I feel happy in the evening before I go to sleep …

And a daily routine:

What was good today?

What went not so good? Anything I could do or change my atomic habits?

Can I do better tomorrow?

Have I smiled at someone I do not know or hugged my wife or a child? Made a difference?

Any lesson learnt?

Kindly yours from an ex High School Teacher now retired and nearly 75 years old …

Peter H Bloecker and wife Casa Da Vovo Burleigh Gold Coast

Casa Da Vovo Burleigh QLD | Lunch Break |Credit phb
Pacific Ocean and Fishing | Credit phb

Happiness Report 2024

The fascinating world of happiness.

  1. The Harvard Study of Adult Development:
    • One of the longest-running studies on happiness, this project has followed 724 men since they were teenagers in 1938. Approximately 60 men, now in their 90s, are still part of the study.
    • The researchers found that specific traits and behaviors were linked with increased levels of happiness:
    • Take inspiration from this study: Revisit activities that made you happy in your youth. Sing, play games, pursue hobbies—life is short, and happiness awaits!
  2. World Happiness Report 2024:
  3. Science of Happiness:

In a nutshell, happiness is a journey, and it’s within your mindset plus own power to cultivate it.

Have a happy weekend

Author P H Bloecker


With the help of Copilot and MS Word.



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