Bloecker Blog

Literature …

Who is your favourite author?

I am a Hemingway Fan for many reasons, not so much his contents but more his style …

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Brasil: Corrupt To The Bones …

Brasilien steht vor der Wahl: Soll Jair Bolsonaro, der stramm rechte Präsident, weiter regieren?

Oder darf Lula da Silva, der linke Herausforderer, zurück an die Macht?

Lula, einst Held und dann Dieb, verurteilt wegen Korruption …

Lesen Sie mehr in diesem guten Artikel via SZ Plus (Bezahlschranke).

Über ein Duell der Extreme:

Check out Brasil on Wikipedia …

Brazil or Brasil?


English spelling is Brazil, but the original name from Portuguese is Brasil.

Facts and Social Media

Scio Nescio plus Soma, very dangerous and highly explosive …

Trump & Putin seem to know this, for sure!

This book puts Fake News in its historical context and works out how disinformation has fractured society now threatening democracy itself.

Welcome in the Brave New World of Aldous Huxley with SOMA the perfect DRUG and more to come soon …

This Is Only The Beginning …

Credit phb

From the Gold Coast

With best wishes yours


Credit phb
Credit phb


My last trip to Germany in 2022

Follow this LINK here to read about my last trip to Denmark and Germany after three full years of Covid Lockdown in Australia!

Zero Covid Strategy in NZ and Australia – all borders were closed and no flights to Europe.

Even the NSW border 12 km from our Gold Coast home was closed.

The Highway (Autobahn) was blocked – closed.

More here …

Credit phb
My Family Meeting in Aug 2022 / Credit phb

My last trip to Germany in 2022

Follow this LINK here to read about my last trip to Denmark and Germany after three full years of Covid Lockdown in Australia!

Zero Covid Strategy in NZ and Australia – all borders were closed and no flights to Europe.

Even the NSW border 12 km from our Gold Coast home was closed.

The Highway (Autobahn) was blocked – closed.

More here …

Credit phb
My Family Meeting in Aug 2022 / Credit phb

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